Running Your Business

Woman standing near barn
This new webinar features insights on building effective communication skills from Lisa Kaslon, professional development coordinator with Nebraska Extension.

Nebraska Women in Agriculture Hosts Mastering Effective Communication Webinar

June 13, 2024
Learn how to express yourself clearly, listen actively, and navigate diverse communication styles to find more personal and professional success.

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Men look at phone in front of grain silos
Strategic planning is a dynamic process that requires continuous adaptation to changing circumstances and is most effective when it includes input from stakeholders, including family, partners, employees, and even customers, suppliers, and buyers. (CAP photo)

The Importance of Strategic Planning for Farmers and Ranchers

February 15, 2024
Center for Agricultural Profitability Director Larry Van Tassell discusses two steps that make planning strategic: defining the mission of the business, and assessing the external environment and its implications for the farm business.

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Transporting round hay bales
Figure 1. Are you enhancing your farm income with a side business, such as custom haying or product sales? Knowing all your product's attributes can help you tailor your management and marketing plan to help grow your business.

Running Your Business: What is your Product?

October 30, 2018
A lot of farm and ranch operations have side businesses such as selling seed corn, installing fence, doing conservation land work, or providing other custom services. This series looks at how to develop these side businesses.

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Standing in a field an employer shows a new employee the "lay of the land" and the operation
Standing in a field an employer shows a new employee the "lay of the land" and the operation.

Running Your Business: Employment-at-Will

October 8, 2018
Nebraska is an "employment-at-will" state; however, there are instances when an employee's dismissal could be illegal. This article is one in a series on running your own business.

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