White Mold

N Field corn field banner

This Week on N Field: Soybean Disease Trends in Nebraska

July 26, 2024
Extension Plant Pathologists Dylan Mangel and Tamra Jackson-Ziems provide an in-depth update on the current soybean disease trends in Nebraska.

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Mushroom-like structures on ground

Take Action Now: White Mold Threat in Soybeans

July 12, 2024
White mold significantly impacted Nebraska soybean yields in 2023, and proactive management is crucial for this season. 

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This Week on N Field: Optimize Variety Placement to Boost Soybean Yields

March 29, 2024
Nebraska Extension Specialist Dylan Mangel explains the importance of soybean variety placement for disease control and fungicide efficacy, which can reduce your bottomline.

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N Field Observation text logo

This Week on N Field: White Mold in Soybeans

July 20, 2023
White mold in your soybeans? In this N Field Observations, Nebraska Extension Educator Amy Timmerman discusses how field history, irrigation and row spacing are important factors affecting the presence of white mold as well as what you can do if it is in your field.

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White mold on soybean

Soybean Disease Update: White Mold

August 11, 2022
Reports of white mold are being received from fields in Polk and Seward counties — while it is too late to manage infection this year, Nebraska producers have options for limiting white mold in next year's soybean crop.

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soybean leaf showing signs of disease

Soybean Disease Update

March 19, 2020
Plants under stress due to environmental factors, such as extreme temperature and moisture are more susceptible to disease, and many were under stress due to the unique environmental conditions in 2019.

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Soybean leaves with bacterial blight

Late Season Soybean Diseases Widespread in Areas of Nebraska

September 13, 2019
Record rainfall during August and continued wet conditions into September are much to blame for the flush of diseases Nebraska’s soybean crop has been experiencing. Here are some of the most common diseases at this time and information on managing them.

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White mold in soybean

White Mold More Common This Year in Soybean

August 24, 2017
The increased levels of white mold that growers are finding in soybean this year are likely due to cool wet conditions at bloom, when the initial infection actually occurred.

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