Wheat Disease

Pre-Planting Steps for Managing Winter Wheat Diseases

August 4, 2016
Paying attention to these five areas before planting winter wheat can help assure a healthier crop for 2017: planting at the appropriate date, using tolerant cultivars, planting into a firm seedbed, controlling weeds and volunteer wheat, and treating seed with fungicide.

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Wheat streak mosaic
Wheat streak mosaic

Control Volunteer Winter Wheat and Other Weeds Now to Increase and Protect 2017 Yields, Income

June 23, 2016

By far, the greatest risk of losses from mite-vectored viruses occurs when there is a summer "green bridge" of volunteer wheat emerging before harvest. This almost always occurs as a result of wheat seed head shatter from hail storms (Figure 1).

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Wheat leaf rust
Wheat leaf rust

Wheat Disease Update

June 10, 2016
A survey of wheat research plots in east central Nebraska found a variety of diseases, including severe rust on wheat and barley.

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Wheat stripe rust
Figure 1. A flag leaf completely covered with stripe rust in a grower’s field in Nuckolls County on May 25.

Stripe Rust Increasing; Spray Your Wheat to Protect the Flag Leaf

June 2, 2016
Stripe rust has significantly increased in all wheat-growing areas in Nebraska. It is recommended that wheat be treated with a fungicide to protect the flag leaf. If the incidence (percentage of flag leaves diseased) or severity (percentage of the flag leaf area diseased) is less than 50%, spraying a fungicide will significantly reduce yield loss due to stripe rust.

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Severe stripe rust in wheat
Severe stripe rust in wheat

Wheat Disease Update - Late May

May 26, 2016
A survey of wheat fields in southeast and south central Nebraska this week found most fields looking healthy with little or no disease. Fungal and virus diseases were found at varying levels in some fields. Depending on growth stage and disease present, fungicides may still be beneficial.

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Barley yellow dwarf disease in wheat
Barley yellow dwarf disease in wheat

Head Diseases, Barley Yellow Dwarf in Wheat

May 19, 2016
With wheat headed or flowering in southeast and south central Nebraska, head diseases are starting to appear, including Fusarium head blight, loose smut, white mold (scab) and barley yellow dwarf. Wheat stem maggots were also causing damage.

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Factors to Consider When Deciding Whether to Treat Stripe Rust in Wheat

May 22, 2015
The first appearance of stripe rust pustules in a field indicates that spores arrived in the field and initiated infections at least seven days earlier. Apply a fungicide if stripe rust is seen in a field and the following conditions or factors exist:
  1. Wet, cool weather.
  2. The flag leaf has emerged (or earlier depending on the situation).
  3. It's a susceptible variety.

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Leaf rust in wheat at the UNL Havelock Farm
Leaf rust in wheat at the UNL Havelock Farm

Wheat Disease Update

May 13, 2016
Wheat is heading, headed, or flowering in most fields in eastern Nebraska. The Fusarium Head Blight Prediction Center is currently showing a low risk for scab in Nebraska. However, due to the recent rains, there is a possibility that some level of scab may occur in some fields, and the risk will be higher in areas that receive rainfall in the next 10 days. Base the decision to apply a fungicide to suppress scab on the risk level, the cost of application, and the price of wheat.

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