Tractor spraying field

USDA NASS to Collect 2021 Crop Production and Stocks Data

November 17, 2021
As the 2021 growing season comes to an end, USDA NASS will contact producers nationwide to gather final year-end crop production numbers and the amount of grain and oilseeds stored on their farms.

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Corn harvest

Crop Progress: Corn Harvest at 90%, Sorghum 91%

November 17, 2021
For the week ending Nov. 14, 2021, corn harvested was 90%, behind 96% last year. Sorghum harvested was 91%, behind 97% last year.

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Soybean pods

November Crop Production: Soybeans Forecast at Record Yield

November 10, 2021

Based on Nov. 1 conditions, Nebraska's 2021 corn crop is forecast at 1.83 billion bushels, up 3% from last year's production, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Area to be harvested for grain, at 9.60 million acres, is down 3% from a year ago. Yield is forecast at 191 bushels per acre, up 11 bushels from last year.

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Corn harvest

Crop Progress: Harvest Winds Down for Soybeans, Corn at 82%

November 8, 2021
For the week ending Nov. 7, 2021, corn harvested was 82%, soybeans harvested was 95%, and sorghum, 85%.

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Harvesting soybeans

Crop Progress: Soybean Harvest at 91%

November 3, 2021
For the week ending Oct. 31, 2021, corn harvest was at 72%, soybean harvest, 91%, and sorghum, 78%.

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Corn harvest

Crop Progress: Harvest 2021 Continues Ahead of Average

October 26, 2021
For the week ending Oct. 24, 2021, harvest for corn, soybeans and sorghum continued ahead of schedule compared to average rate of recent years.

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USDA to Survey Row Crops County Acreage and Production

October 19, 2021
USDA NASS will soon survey producers in Nebraska and 37 other states to collect information on total acres planted and harvested and total yield and production of row crop, which will help federal and state programs that support agriculturalists.

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Wheat plant

Crop Progress: Winter Wheat Planting Nearly Finished

October 19, 2021
As of Oct. 17, winter wheat planted was 93% — maintaining the same pace as last year's planting. Winter wheat emerged was 76%, which is slightly ahead of the 2020 growing season.

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