Dry edible beans

2022 Nebraska Acreage Report

June 30, 2022
Dry edible bean acreage is up 17% in Nebraska, while corn acreage is down 2% and soybean acreage remains unchanged from 2021.

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Aerial view of corn field

Nebraska 2021 Annual Crop Production Summary

January 20, 2022
USDA NASS estimated 2021 Nebraska grain corn production at a 4% increase from 2020, and soybean production at a 17% increase. See all crop production estimates for 2021 in this report.

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Grain sorghum
A grain sorghum variety trial will be just one of the stops on the High Plains Ag Lab Field Tour Aug. 10.

2021 UNL High Plains Ag Lab Summer Crop Field Day Set for Aug. 10

August 5, 2021
During field tours at the High Plains Ag Lab, UNL researchers will discuss the latest results of their studies on dryland crops — in particular, sunflowers, proso millet and grain sorghum.

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USDA Reports NE Corn and Soybean Production Hit Record Highs

February 8, 2019
Corn for grain production and soybean set record highs in 2018, according to the end-of-year report from USDA. See how all major crops in Nebraska fared.

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Specialty Crops Disease Update

January 10, 2019

The occurrence and distribution of plant pathogens are long known to be strongly influenced by the environment. We see evidence of this concept every season on specialty crops in western Nebraska, and 2018 was no exception.

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Sunflower field at the High Plains Ag Lab

The Sunflower Pathology Working Group

November 15, 2018
While diseases are one of the three biggest yield-limiting factors of sunflower production, there was little information on how to identify and manage them until university plant pathologists joined in a collaborative effort to conduct research and develop educational resources.

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Sunflower Rust
Figure 1. Cinnamon-colored uredial pustules (left) and dark, black telial pustules (right). These are the overwintering structures of rust. (Photos by Bob Harveson)

Sunflower Rust May be Problematic in 2018 — Be Aware!

May 24, 2018
Unusually early findings of rust in volunteer sunflower in western Nebraska indicate the potential for a major outbreak much earlier than usual. Growers are encouraged to scout within the first few weeks of emergence and treat where necessary.

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Double-Cropping Sunflower After Wheat

Photo of sunflower at r5.7 stage
Sunflower at R5.7 stage sixty days after wheat harvest
Photo of Wheat residue

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