Interveinal chlorosis

September 2020 Disease Reports from the UNL Diagnostic Clinic

September 3, 2020
The following diseases and pests were reported in samples submitted to the UNL Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic from August 16 through September 2, 2020.

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corn at black layer

Extension Crop and Pest Reports (Aug. 31-Sept. 4)

September 3, 2020
Extension educators report on what they are seeing in the fields this week in the Lancaster, Saline, Jefferson, Gage, Dawson, Buffalo, Hall, Colfax, Stanton and Cuming Counties.

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Drought stressed soybeans
The importance of estimating soybean yield prior to harvesting as forage is illustrated in this photo of drought-stressed soybean from Washington County, NE. With a closer look at these plants, you can see 10 to 12 pods per stem with 3 seeds per pod on a few of the plants. These soybeans are not stressed enough to consider for hay or silage. Photo courtesy of Aaron Nygren, Nebraska Extension.

Harvesting Soybeans for Hay or Silage

September 1, 2020
The decision to harvest as forage (hay or silage) or grain should be based on economics. However, the decision to not harvest soybeans as grain does need to be made as soon as possible to capture the forage value of drought-stressed soybeans.

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Corn, Soybean Condition Declines, but Progressing Well

August 27, 2020
Corn condition is rated 66% good to excellent, down from 73% the previous week, with 96% dough and 60% dented. Soybean condition is rated 71% good to excellent, down from 76% the previous week, with 98% setting pods and 5% dropping leaves.

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USDA Crop Progress Report, Aug. 17

August 17, 2020
Corn condition is rated 73% good to excellent, 88% dough and 29% dented. Soybean condition is rated 76% good to excellent, 90% setting pods and 2% starting to drop leaves. Dry edible beans are rated 69% good to excellent, 83% setting pods and 7% dropping leaves, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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corn field
Photo by Agustina Diale

Early Forecasts Indicate Record Nebraska Corn Harvest

August 13, 2020
Based on August 1 conditions, Nebraska's 2020 corn production is forecast at a record 1.80 billion bushels, up 1% from last year's production. Soybean production in Nebraska is forecast at 307 million bushels, up 8% from last year.

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USDA Crop Progress Report, Aug. 10

August 10, 2020
Corn condition is rated 78% good to excellent, 67% dough stage and 14% dented, well ahead of last year and the average. Soybean condition is rated 81% good to excellent and 81% are setting pods, also ahead of average. Sorghum and dry edible beans continue to progress ahead of this time last year as well, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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Nebraska Crop Progress Report for Aug. 3

August 5, 2020
Corn is progressing ahead of average and rated 77% good to excellent, with 43% dough and 6% dented. Soybean is progressing ahead of average and rated 79% good to excellent, with 95% blooming and 64% setting pods. Wheat is 96% harvested, and dry edible beans are 73% blooming and 38% setting pods, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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