Soybean Planting

Soybean field at ground view
Soybean plants grown in narrow row spacing, which has been shown to suppress weed growth and increase crop yield, particularly when integrated with effective herbicide programs.

Does Narrow Row Spacing Help Suppress Weeds and Increase Yields in Corn and Soybean?

August 29, 2024
This article reviews the results of 35 studies conducted over the course of 60 years on utilizing narrow row spacing to control weeds and increase yields. 

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Broadleaf cover crop
When using a burndown herbicide to terminate broadleaf cover crops and weeds this spring, planting intervals often may negate the use of many 2,4-D products prior to Enlist E3® soybean planting. (Photos by Amit Jhala).

Which 2,4-D Product Should I Use as a Burndown Before Planting Enlist E3® Soybean?

April 22, 2022
A review of the best production options for growers who are preparing to terminate broadleaf cover crop species and winter annual broadleaf weeds using 2,4-D products.

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Soybean plant emerging

Tracking Soil and Air Temperatures — Soybean Planting Considerations

April 14, 2021
Results of ongoing Nebraska Extension field demonstrations to determine critical soil temperatures and trends for soybean germination and emergence, plus early soybean planting considerations. 

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Soybean imbibitional time research
Jim loading seed trays for the indoor soybean study (left) and trays in the 36°F cooler (right). (Photos by Jenny Rees)

Demonstrating Critical Imbibitional Time for Soybean

April 14, 2021
This Nebraska Extension indoor study offers a comprehensive analysis of the timing and duration of the critical imbibition water uptake phase for soybean, to assist growers in their decisions on planting dates this spring. 

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Location by county for soybean seeding rate studies
Figure 1. Location by county (shown by red fill) for soybean seeding rate studies through the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network from 1990 to 2019 based on the database. Counties with studies not currently in the database are noted by red lines and have been reported in CropWatch articles.

Soybean Seeding Rate On-Farm Research

April 16, 2020
The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network has shown that a seeding rate of 120,000 seeds per acre has performed well across counties, farms, and fields in Nebraska.

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soybeans in 2003 and 2004
Planting soybean early is critical to maximizing yield. This has been found through numerous University and on-farm research studies in Nebraska and surrounding states.

Understanding the Soybean Germination Process for Early Planted Soybean Decisions

April 9, 2020
Planting is anticipated to begin for many growers in Nebraska the next few weeks. Based on formal research reports showing increased yields, we have recommended early soybean planting beginning mid- to late- April.

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soybean field

Planting Soybean after Soybean (Part 1): Planting Considerations

April 13, 2017
Farmers are increasing their soybean plantings for 2017, which likely means some are shifting to soybeans-after-soybeans. This article looks at what you should be considering at planting time as you consider changing your cropping sequence.

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