Soybean Insects

Japanese Beetle

Japanese Beetles Emerging in Corn and Soybean

June 19, 2017
Corn and soybean growers should be scouting for Japanese beetles, which have started emerging in eastern Nebraska. First identified in counties along the state's eastern border several years ago, the beetles were found as far west as Lincoln County in 2016.

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Spider mite damage to soybean leaves.
Spider mite damage to soybean leaves.

Identifying Spider Mite Damage and the Species Responsible

July 26, 2022
With growing reports of spider mites damaging corn and soybeans in Nebraska, it's important to check leaves closely, as many other crop issues can cause similar discoloration.

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Soybean aphid speed scouting app
Soybean aphid speed scouting app

Soybean Aphid Scouting and Management

July 28, 2016

The current recommended economic threshold for late vegetative through R5 stage soybeans is 250 aphids per plant with 80% of the plants infested and populations increasing. Depending on economic conditions, this generally gives you about five to seven days to schedule treatment before populations reach economically damaging levels.

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Soybean Aphid
Soybean Aphid

Soybean Aphids Found in Northeast Nebraska; Scouting Warranted

July 28, 2016

This week soybean aphids were found in several northeast Nebraska fields at low numbers. Although it has been too hot for soybean aphids to thrive, populations could quickly increase with cooler temperatures. Scouting is recommended at this time.

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