Understanding Ending Reproductive Stages in Soybean
August 27, 2021
The timing of the ending R stages in soybean is governed by planting date (PD) and varietal maturity group (MG), though the date of R7 can be hastened if water stress and high temperatures prevail in August — something we are seeing in portions of Nebraska this year.
Q/A: Questions about Soybean Emergence and Stands
May 27, 2021
There are many factors for producers with soybean emergence and stand issues to consider; this article reviews potential causes, identification techniques and management options.
Understanding the Soybean Germination Process for Early Planted Soybean Decisions
April 9, 2020
Planting is anticipated to begin for many growers in Nebraska the next few weeks. Based on formal research reports showing increased yields, we have recommended early soybean planting beginning mid- to late- April.
Projecting Dates for Ending Reproductive Stages of a Soybean Crop Using SoyWater
October 9, 2019
How did the 2019 growing season affect the date of R7 (PM) in soybean varieties differing in MG (1.1 to 4.1) and planting date in eastern Nebraska? Take a look at graphs showing seasonal vegetative (Vn) and reproductive (Rn) development versus calendar date and compare the data with field photos.
Consider Application Restrictions of Postemergence Herbicides Based on Soybean Growth Stage
June 19, 2017
It's important to consider soybean growth stage and preharvest interval when applying postemergence herbicides to avoid potential crop injury. This article describes how to determine crop growth stage and includes a table of application restrictions for common postemergence herbicides.