Soybean Gall Midge

Soybean gall midge in stems
Figure 1. Soybean gall midges infesting soybean stems. (Photos by Justin McMechan)

Grower Input Sought at Dec. 20 Soybean Gall Midge Meeting

December 12, 2018
Growers who dealt with soybean gall midge infestations in 2018 and those interested in learning more about this emerging soybean pest are invited to attend a roundtable discussion Dec. 20. Grower input can help share research efforts being planned for 2019.

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Soybean gall midge adult

Soybean Gall Midge: Adult Stage Identified

November 7, 2018
The adult of the soybean gall midge, a new pest in north central US soybean production, has now been verified, allowing growers to add a new photo to their "Most Wanted" list for spring scouting.

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Soybean plant infested with orange gall midge.
Figure 1. Soybean plant infested with orange gall midge.

Survey of Orange Gall Midge in Nebraska: A Potential Pest of Soybeans

August 23, 2018
A relatively new insect in soybean, the orange gall midge has now been confirmed in 15 eastern Nebraska counties.Growers and consultants are invited to submit reports of orange gall midge in counties where it hasn't previously been identified.

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Soybean plants showing wilting and necrosis
Figure 1. Soybean plants exhibiting signs of wilting (A) and necrosis (B) in fields in eastern Nebraska.

Orange Gall Midge in Soybeans

August 1, 2018
Reports of orange gall midge in soybean increased in Nebraska this year and researchers have initiated in-field and laboratory studies to help learn more about its potential to reduce yield as well as best practices for its management.

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