Soil Health

Man stands near rainfall simulator during presentation
The Nebraska Soil Health School at UNL’s High Plains Ag Lab will include soil health demonstrations and the live rainfall simulator from USDA NRCS soil scientists. (Photo by Nicole Heldt)

Dryland Cropping Systems to be Focus of Upcoming Nebraska Soil Health School

March 11, 2024
The first Nebraska Soil Health School of 2024 will feature presentations on the impact of tillage, biochar and cover crops, soil health measurement and carbon markets, and more.

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FarmBits banner

FarmBits Podcast: Technology for Soil Health, Part 1

March 1, 2024
In this episode, the FarmBits team chats with Caro Córdova about emerging soil health technologies and resources for producers in Nebraska.

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Tire tracks in muddy clay soil
Producers who struggle with poor drainage in gumbo soil have several options for improving water retention and overall soil health. One beneficial practice is manure application, which helps reduce bulk density and improves soil aggregation.

The Soil Health Exchange: Addressing Waterlogging Issues with Soil Health Management

January 30, 2024
Fields with diverse soil types can pose distinct challenges in water management, especially under pivot irrigation. In this article, UNL experts review factors that contribute to waterlogged soil and several practices that can improve drainage issues. 

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Collage of people attending soil health events in 2023
In a recent survey conducted by the Soil Health Team, 43% of respondents reported that they have implemented soil health practices influenced by UNL soil health events. (Image by Carolina Córdova)

UNL Soil Health Team Celebrates Year of Success in Advancing Sustainable Agriculture

January 3, 2024
Following eight successful events that stand to impact nearly 13 million acres of U.S. farmland, preparations are underway by the UNL Soil Health Team to deliver more robust sustainable ag research and innovations in 2024.

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Collage of soil and plant photos
All UNL Soil Health events include information from projects across the state, either on research or producers’ fields, empowering Nebraska producers with cutting-edge soil health practices.

2024 Nebraska Soil Health Conferences: Beyond the Topsoil

December 14, 2023
The 2024 Soil Health Conferences will take place in West Point and Hastings, offering the latest advancements and research in soil health and cover crop practices.

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Researcher kneels in field to gather sample

2024 Soils School to Feature Fundamentals of Soils and Nutrient Management

November 29, 2023
During the two-day school in February, leading experts from the University of Nebraska will present research-based recommendations of primary crop nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

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Southwest Nebraska producer's terraced field
A section of field from a 99-acre plot in southwest Nebraska, which has experienced significant yield decline after terraces were built. In this article, Soil Health Exchange professionals identify some of the potential causes and solutions for low-yielding terraced fields. (Submitted photo)

The Soil Health Exchange: Terrace Effects on Soil Fertility and Yield

November 13, 2023
The Soil Health Exchange team shares insights and potential solutions for a southwest Nebraska farmer who has observed a significant yield decline in a field after terraces were built in 2010.

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Farmer looking at unplanted field

Fridays with a Scientist: Dr. Caro Cordova of UNL Agronomy — Soil Health

November 9, 2023
In this episode, Dr. Caro Cordova discusses the roots of her passion for soil, why soil health is critical for agriculture and steps producers in Nebraska and elsewhere can take to improve soil health.

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