Small Grains

Oat field at sunset
Historical small grains data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

USDA NASS to Collect 2024 Small Grain Production and Stocks Data

August 23, 2024
The results of the small grains survey are used by numerous agencies within the agricultural industry to make a wide range of decisions that benefit producers.

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Tractor and grain truck harvesting silage
Though delaying small grain harvest can produce higher yields, it also decreases crude protein content. Producers should consider the animal being fed and feeding method before harvesting to get the most out of these crops.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Preparing for First Cutting Alfalfa, Small Grain Harvest Strategies

May 14, 2024
With the first harvest of 2024 beginning soon, producers should take this time to perform equipment maintenance and strategize the timing of alfalfa and small grains harvest based on operational needs.

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Oat field
Historical small grains data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

2023 Small Grain County-level Estimates

December 19, 2023
County-level estimates for 2023 small grain acreage, yield and production are now available on the Quick Stats online database.

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Oat field
Results of the small grains survey will be published in several reports, including the annual Small Grains Summary and the quarterly Grain Stocks report, both to be released on Friday, Sept. 29.

USDA NASS to Collect 2023 Small Grain Production and Stocks Data

August 18, 2023
During the first two weeks of September, Nebraska growers of wheat, oats, barley and rye will be asked to share their acreage, yield and production data, to be utilized by USDA for administering federal farm programs.

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Hay harvest
The best time to cut grass hay is when the grass nutrient content matches the nutritional needs of your livestock — before heads begin to emerge for young animals, and before seeds develop for mature animals.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Small Grains and Grass Harvest, Fencing Costs

May 23, 2023
This week — Nebraska Extension educators share target protein levels of small grains and grass hay for the upcoming harvest, and analyze the cost of various fencing options.

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Oat field

USDA NASS to Collect 2022 Small Grain Production and Stocks Data

August 19, 2022
During the first two weeks of September, growers of small grains around the country will be contacted by USDA NASS to measure 2022 acreage, yield and production for small grains.

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stocks of green wheat

USDA to Survey County Small Grains Acreage

July 20, 2023
Nebraskans will be asked to share production information on wheat, barley and oat crops to help determine rates for USDA's farm programs that provide loans and disaster payments.

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Silage making

Pasture and Forage Minute: Small Grain Harvesting for Forage, Management Strategies for Musk Thistle, Pasture Fertilizer

May 18, 2022
Extension educators review the pros and cons of harvesting small grains for forage this year, and share tips on how to control musk thistle and fertilize warm-season grass pastures. 

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