Rental Rates

Bale in field of stubble
When preparing to harvest summer annual grasses, remember this mantra for best results: "Cut it early, cut it high, crimp the stems and they will dry."

Pasture and Forage Minute: Forage Harvest, Pasture Rental Rates and Controlling Yucca

July 24, 2024
Considerations for harvest of slow-to-dry summer annual grasses, setting 2024 pasture rental rates, and controlling yucca on Nebraska rangelands. 

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Musk thistle
For pastures with noxious weed thistles like this musk thistle, now is the time for spring herbicide applications, while the plants are still in the short rosette to bolted growth stages prior to flowering. (Photo by Gary Stone)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Selecting Summer Forages, Thistle Control Options

May 9, 2024
Insights on pasture rental rates, selecting summer forage based on needs for your operation, and control options for noxious weed thistles in pastures.

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Gated fence on Nebraska pasture
Drought adds another layer of complication to the process of establishing fair pasture rental rates. Landowners renting pasture in severe drought-impacted regions might consider pricing leases based on grazing animal unit months or rent per head per month of grazing, rather than flat rates per acre or cow-calf pair.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Pasture Leasing Rates and Alfalfa Winter Survival

February 22, 2024
Extension educators share insights on establishing pasture rental rates and selecting alfalfa seed for winter survival traits.

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Corn field
Land Management Quarterly, presented by the Center for Ag Profitability, is free to attend and recorded for on-demand viewing. Watch previous recordings here.

UNL Ag Land Management Webinar to Offer Updates on Cash Rents, Farm Programs, Leasing

November 14, 2023
The final Land Management Quarterly webinar for 2023 will cover recent findings from the USDA NASS county-level cash rent survey and trends in farm programs influencing operations across the state.

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Center pivot in soybeans
According to 2023 Nebraska survey results, the skill, interest and time of the landlord and tenant engaged in an irrigated cropland lease arrangement strongly influence negotiations for which entity maintains irrigation systems on rented land.

2023 Cash Lease Adjustments for Irrigation Equipment on Cropland

August 30, 2023
Cornhusker Economics experts analyze the impact of irrigation system costs on 2022-23 cropland rental arrangements in Nebraska.

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Land management webinar banner
The Agricultural Land Management Quarterly webinars address common management issues for Nebraska landowners, ag operators and related stakeholders. To review historical land management webinars, visit the Center for Ag Profitability.

Agricultural Land Management Quarterly Webinar

August 25, 2023
The August webinar covers the final report of the 2023 Nebraska Farm Real Estate Survey, and a special report on adjusting irrigated cropland rental rates.

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Land management webinar banner

New Video Series on Ag Land Management and Leasing Considerations

May 25, 2023
The videos discuss topics relevant to landlords and tenants and their accompanying leasing considerations, including crop residue, hunting rights, pasture leases and using manure on cropland.

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Combine in field
Led by Allan Vyhnalek and Jim Jansen, the March 23 workshop will be geared toward eastern Nebraska producers, and the March 24 workshop will feature examples more relevant to central and western Nebraska producers.

Virtual Landlord/Tenant Cash Rent Workshops March 23 and 24

March 17, 2023
The free workshops will offer updated leasing information, new 2023 Nebraska land values and cash rental rates, and address numerous concerns related to land management.

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