Barta Brothers Ranch Starting to See Results of Prescribed Burns
June 13, 2024
Throughout the project, researchers have observed increased vigor in the grasses, increased gains in cattle, differences in grassland bird communities and minimal changes in wind erosion across burned areas.
Pasture and Forage Minute: Red Cedar Control and Fall Hay Inventory
November 29, 2023
Recommendations for prescribed burning to control Eastern red cedar in pastures and rangeland, and fall hay inventory.
Center for Ag Profitability Collaborates on Sandhills Grassland Management Project
April 7, 2023
First-year results of the study concluded that burn/graze systems can increase a producer's profitability while also controlling invasive eastern red cedar encroachment.
Pasture and Forage Minute: Controlling Cedar Trees, Net Wrap Health Concerns
December 14, 2022
In this installment of Pasture and Forage Minute, extension educators review the most effective strategies for controlling Eastern red cedar trees, and managing net wrap and twine issues for livestock.
Pasture and Forage Minute: Management Strategies for Prescribed Burning, Grass Tetany and Winter Annual Weeds
April 5, 2022
Extension educators share tips on successful prescribed burning this spring, mineral supplements to prevent grass tetany and how to boost the first cutting of alfalfa.
Pasture and Forage Minute: Preparing Alfalfa for Snow, Controlling Eastern Red Cedar Trees
December 13, 2021
Extension educators discuss the importance of snow cover to alfalfa and how to prepare your fields for Mother Nature's insulation, and using prescribed burning to control Eastern red cedar trees in Nebraska.
Pasture and Forage Minute: Grazing Small Grains and Prescribed Burning
March 31, 2021
With the onset of April, Extension experts stress the need for preparing and finalizing your forage grazing and prescribed burning plans.
Prescribed Burn School Jan. 18 at Osceola
January 9, 2019
The benefits of using fire to manage grassland and how to conduct a predictable, controlled burn in an open field setting will be the focus of the Prescribed Burn School.