Corn harvest

Crop Progress: Harvest Gets Underway for Corn, Sorghum, Dry Beans

September 15, 2022
Though the beginning of harvest for corn and sorghum is pacing on average, delays continue in dry edible bean production, which is currently 22% behind harvest in 2021.

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Cattle grazing cornstalks
Safely grazing drought-stressed cornstalks can be accomplished with an appropriate grazing plan and fencing precautions.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Grazing High Nitrate Cornstalks, Late Summer Weed Control

September 14, 2022
Extension Educator Todd Whitney reveals techniques to safely graze drought-stressed cornstalks — plus, more on late summer weed control and planting small grains for spring forage.

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Wheat field

Crop Progress: Winter Wheat Planting Begins in Nebraska

September 9, 2022
Crop conditions were holding steady as of Sept. 4, with winter wheat planting underway.

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Alfalfa harvest

Pasture and Forage Minute: Alfalfa Irrigation and Last Cutting, Winter Annual Brome Control

September 8, 2022
Tips on scheduling final irrigation and last cutting for alfalfa this fall, and controlling cheatgrass and wild oats in pastures.

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Sorghum field

Crop Progress: Sorghum Condition Falls to 35% Very Poor

September 1, 2022
As of Aug. 28, sorghum condition dropped another 15% over the week prior, and corn and soybean crop conditions experienced a slight decrease.

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Droughty soybeans
Grazing and ensiling may be the easiest ways for growers to handle drought-stressed soybeans this year.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Salvaging Drought-stressed Soybeans as Forages, Grasshopper Control

August 30, 2022
Nebraska Extension educators review forage considerations for growers faced with droughty soybeans, tips on measuring stands and assessing alfalfa field health, and thresholds where grasshopper control may be warranted.

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With its rapid regrowth rates, orchardgrass is an excellent option to add to a cool-season grass mixture for late summer forage planting.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Valuing Drought Forage, Late Summer Planting, Managing High Nitrates

August 24, 2022
Insights on how forage prices should be adjusted this year for droughty crops, the optimal grasses for late summer forage planting and how to manage high nitrates in forages.

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Dented corn

Crop Progress: Corn Enters Final Maturity Stage

August 24, 2022
USDA NASS reported 3% of Nebraska corn mature as of Aug. 21, with crop conditions remaining steady overall.

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