Palmer Amaranth

Corn and soybean field

Update by Environmental Protection Agency on Enlist Products: What Does that Mean for Nebraska Growers?

March 31, 2022
Enlist corn and Enlist soybean producers in Nebraska will be able to use Enlist One and Enlist Duo herbicides in the 2022 growing season following a revision of U.S. EPA guidelines this week.

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Enlist-prohibited county map

Environmental Protection Agency Renews Enlist Product Registrations with New Control Measures: What Does that Mean for Nebraska Growers?

January 26, 2022
Enlist corn and Enlist soybean producers in 32 Nebraska counties will be restricted on the use of two herbicides in the 2022 growing season.

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Palmer amaranth in dry beans

Impact and Seed Production of Palmer Amaranth in Dry Beans

January 4, 2022
Results of a 2020-21 study investigating the impact of uncontrolled Palmer amaranth in dry beans. Using pinto beans, researchers were able to pinpoint yield loss and potential seed production of Palmer amaranth.

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Combine collage
Top: Combining weedy dry beans. Bottom left: Palmer amaranth in dry beans. (Photo by Gary Stone). Bottom right: Combine cleanout. (Photo by Meaghan Anderson)

Combine Clean Out Can Help Reduce Weed Spread

August 25, 2021
With increasing pressure from herbicide-resistant weeds such as kochia and introduced herbicide-resistant weeds such as Palmer amaranth and waterhemp, it is important to reduce spreading of weed seed. Doing a limited cleaning between fields and choosing which fields to harvest first can be an important factor in this endeavor.

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Field day photo
Amit Jhala discusses a project for control of herbicide-resistant Palmer amaranth in a field near Carleton, Nebraska.

2021 Herbicide-resistant Palmer Amaranth Management Field Day Featured Research and Demonstrations

August 18, 2021
The field day included demonstrations on best practices to reduce herbicide drift, study results on new herbicides to control Palmer amaranth in corn, and discussion on several other research projects.

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Palmer amaranth in soybeans

Control of Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth in Enlist Soybean

August 5, 2021
Research on the most effective herbicide programs for managing GR Palmer amaranth in this new soybean production system developed by Corteva™ Agriscience.

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Palmer amaranth field day demo
Amit Jhala, Nebraska Extension Weed Management Specialist, demonstrating results of weed management research program in soybean field to clientele.

Nebraska Extension Field Day for Management of Atrazine/Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth

June 9, 2021
The in-person Palmer amaranth field day will feature on-site demonstrations on controlling atrazine/glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth in Roundup Ready/LibertyLink corn, Enlist corn and non-GMO white corn in Nebraska.

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Dicamba damaged soybean plants
These LibertyLink® soybeans show signs of damage after dicamba (XtendiMax®) was applied to a research field during a 2018 project.

Factors to Consider When Multiple Herbicide-Resistant Soybean Traits Coexist

April 6, 2021
Confused about which soybean traits are resistant to dicamba or glufosinate? This NebGuide will help you through the process of making the best decision for your farm.

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