4Rs Nutrient Stewardship Field Day Set for July 15
June 10, 2021
The first annual 4Rs Nutrient Stewardship Field Day will emphasize fertilizer use with the right source, right rate, right time and right placement of fertilizers to improve crop yield and profits while protecting the environment.
Pasture and Forage Minute: Time for Forage Program Analysis, Fertilizing Grasses and Spurge Control
May 25, 2021
The end of May is a good time to assess various pasture and forage needs, such as the status of your annual hay and forage program, potential need for fertilizing warm-season grasses and controlling leafy spurge in its early stages.
Applying Manure Management Concepts On-Farm
May 11, 2021
This year’s Land Application Recertification sessions, "Applying Manure Management Concepts On-Farm," will be in-person at many sites across the state in May and June.
Soybean Fertility Study in Western Nebraska: What is Limiting High Yield and Protein?
April 22, 2021
Results of a study on soybean fertility throughout 2019 and 2020 and updated fertilizer recommendations for growers.
Nebraska Extension Crop Management Diagnostic Clinic Courses Available Online
April 20, 2021
For the first time, the Crop Management Diagnostic Clinics — which can be used to earn Certified Crop Advisor continuing education credits — are offered via an e-learning online option.
Starter Fertilizer — When is it Needed?
April 3, 2024
As planting season begins, farmers often question if starter fertilizer is providing yield and economic benefits. This article reviews the two main reasons to use a starter and recommendations for a successful application.
Evaluation of Nitrification Inhibitors through the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network
April 7, 2021
This article summarizes the results of 10 on-farm research studies that evaluated similar inhibitor products. as part of the Precision Nitrogen Management on-farm research project.
Q&As on Nitrogen Investment in Corn This Year
March 31, 2021
Most of Nebraska was drier than normal in 2020, which means a potential increase of residual nitrate-N. As such, producers may need to reduce fertilizer-N rates for 2021 — but how much is enough?