Natural Disasters

Donated hay bales accumulate at the Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center
Donated hay bales accumulate at the Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center near Mead following flooding in 2019. (Photo by Deloris Pittman - Nebraska Extension)

Nebraska Extension Launches Online Platform for Exchange of Carbon Sources Needed by Livestock Producers

May 14, 2020
Nebraska Extension is calling on farmers, municipalities, lawn care companies and others to donate or sell wood chips, hay, lawn waste and other carbon sources to livestock producers hit hard by COVID-19.

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chart showing farm income trends since 2000

Disaster, Financial Shocks & Stress - You Aren’t Alone

March 11, 2020
Everyone confronts times of stress. Know that whatever challenges you have faced, you are not alone!

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chart showing stages of recovery after disaster

How Communities Heal and Recover After Disaster Strikes

March 11, 2020
Last spring Nebraska residents experienced a historic weather event that continues to affect many communities. The historic bomb cyclone that occurred in March 2019 changed the land and communities in many ways. As we approach the anniversary of this historic event, it’s important to understand the recovery process and how communities heal.

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aerial view of the historic 2019 flood

Tips for Managing Feeling and Emotions on the Anniversary of a Traumatic Event

March 10, 2020
Last year Nebraska experienced several disasters that changed individual, family and community life. As the calendar approaches the anniversary date, those impacted may experience strong emotions and feelings such as worry, anger, frustration, loss and sadness.

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Raising Awareness of Farm Stress

August 7, 2019
This year has been fraught with challenges for farmers and agribusiness throughout the state, leading to increased stress. This article lists a number of tools and free resources available across the state to help individuals cope with stress.

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Flooded field
Figure 1. Flooded crop fields in south-central Nebraska after heavy rains in 2019 caused growers to reexamine their options for fields already late planted or taken as prevented planting. (Photos by Sarah Sivits)

Crop Impacts and Options After Mid-season Flooding

July 2, 2024
After heavy summer rains have led to flooding in Nebraska, many farmers are facing concerns about how long crops can survive in standing water and implications for the remainder of the growing season.

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Strategies for delayed soybean planting

Strategies with Delayed Soybean Planting

May 24, 2024
Adjusting soybean planting practices (row spacing, seeding rate and the use of custom planting) and relative maturity of the variety can help maximize yield potential when planting after mid-June.

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Corn seeds germinating in soil
If you're unsure what corn hybrids will mature before average killing frost in your region of Nebraska, use the U2U GDD tool to compare scenarios of hybrids and planting dates for your location.

Corn Hybrid Maturities and Late Planting

May 24, 2024
Still planting corn and wanting to change to a different hybrid maturity? Here are some things to consider and a tool that can help you assess which hybrid options are likely to mature before an average fall freeze date for your location.

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