
Land management webinar graphic

Agricultural Land Management Quarterly Webinar

December 1, 2022
The November webinar covered recent findings from the 2022 USDA NASS county-level cash rent survey and trends in farm programs influencing operations across the state.

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Center pivot
Kallie Jo Coates/realagstock

How To Adjust Rental Payments When Tenants Own the Center Pivot

October 25, 2022
Center for Agricultural Profitability experts share recommendations on how to create a cropland lease agreement when ownership of the pump and pivot are divided between the landowner and the tenant.

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Farmers talking

Get Perspective Before Big Decisions

September 15, 2022
Extension Educator Allan Vyhnalek reviews key elements for business conversations between landlords and tenants that will lead to more positive outcomes.

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Farm family

Ag Estate Planning, Leasing Workshops Scheduled for Panhandle in November

September 12, 2022
These estate planning workshops will help producers effectively create estate and transition plans, while the leasing workshops will focus on equitable leasing strategies, cash rental rates and more. 

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Farmers shaking hands

Terminating a Verbal Farmland Lease

August 11, 2022
Extension educators share recommendations on terminating verbal land and pasture leases when disputes arise.

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Landlord-tenant Cash Rent Workshop Recordings Available Online

March 31, 2022
The workshop covered 2022 cash rental rates, land values, leasing strategies, landlord-tenant communication, farm and ranch succession planning and an overview of farm programs for landowners.

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Terminating a Verbal Farm Land Lease

August 12, 2021
Some farm leases are not written but are verbal or "handshake" agreements. Because nothing is in writing, the parties may have different recollections of their agreement, making lease disputes more difficult to resolve.

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Farmer with livestock
Preston Keres/USDA (Flickr/Public Domain)

Setting Expectations for a Land Link Relationship

July 28, 2021
Before getting involved in the Nebraska Land Link Program, learn more about why it's important to formulate your personal expectations for a business partnership.

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