Land Value

Farm land
Preston Keres, USDA (Flickr/Public Domain)

USDA Reports on Rising Land Values and County-Level Cash Rent Estimates for Nebraska in 2021

October 14, 2021
Recent findings from the USDA-National Agricultural Statistics Service reported Nebraska’s farm real estate value, which incorporates the average value of all agricultural land and buildings in 2021, increased by 11% to an average of $3,100 per acre.

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Agriculture land

Nonirrigated Cropland Values in Central Plains States Show Strength in 2021

June 17, 2021
Recent findings from the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City found nonirrigated cropland values in the central Plains rose, on average, 5% to 10% for first quarter 2021 compared to the prior year.

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2021 Nebraska land values map

2021 Nebraska Farm Real Estate Survey - Preliminary Results Overview

April 1, 2021
The Nebraska Farm Real Estate Market Highlights 2020-21 report includes preliminary results from this year’s real estate survey of expert panel members from across the state.

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Nebraska Ag Land Values Down 4%; Rental Rates Down 2-10%

March 11, 2016

The average for Nebraska agricultural land values has declined by about 4% in the last year according to preliminary findings from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Farm Real Estate Market Survey. This decline marks the second consecutive year of lower weighted average farmland values in Nebraska.

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