Japanese Beetle

Corn rootworm beetle

Impact of Planting Dates on Corn and Soybean Insects

July 18, 2019
The wide range in corn and soybean planting dates in Nebraska this year may affect the distribution and behavior of pest insects both this year and next year. Be alert to a possible shift and scout regularly to identify problem fields.

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Japanese beetle

Japanese Beetles Emerging; Scout Corn and Soybean Fields

July 1, 2024
Extension recommendations on estimating total defoliation from multiple insects to determine need for treatment in soybean.

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Map of Japanese beetle distribution in Nebraska in 2016
Figure 1. Japanese beetle distribution in Nebraska in 2016.

Japanese Beetle in Corn and Soybeans

January 8, 2018
An article from the 2018 Crop Production Clinic Proceedings on distribution, scouting and damage from Japanese beetles in Nebraska corn and soybean.

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Japanese Beetle

Japanese Beetles Emerging in Corn and Soybean

June 19, 2017
Corn and soybean growers should be scouting for Japanese beetles, which have started emerging in eastern Nebraska. First identified in counties along the state's eastern border several years ago, the beetles were found as far west as Lincoln County in 2016.

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NDA Regulatory, Inspection Efforts to Track Japanese Beetle

April 14, 2017
Each year, the Nebraska Department of Agriculture surveys for Japanese beetle, a highly destructive insect of trees and shrubs as well as corn and soybeans. Learn more about why Nebraska falls into a Category 2 classification for being a partially infested state and what that means for plant inspections and sales.

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Nebraska map of Japanese beetle distribution

Japanese Beetles Migrating West

April 13, 2017

A newly released map of confirmed Japanese beetle populations in Nebraska shows their westward movement from where they were first identified near Lincoln and Omaha several years ago. 

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