Angus cattle feed in pasture
For producers planting annual forages on cropland, note that the current sign-up period for annual forage insurance ends July 15 for annual forages planted from Aug. 1, 2024 through July 31, 2025.

Insurance for Annual Forages Webinar

July 3, 2024
UNL ag finance experts discuss changes to the Annual Forage Insurance Program (AFIP) and share tips on how to integrate annual forage insurance coverage into your operation.

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This Week on N Field: Severe Weather

April 5, 2024
Are you prepared for severe weather in 2024? In this episode, extension reviews some of the most important aspects of preparing for weather-related emergencies on the farm.

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Wildfire photo
Resources are available for people who want to help producers affected by fires, and the affected producers. A meeting March 12 will provide more information. (UNL Beef photo by David Orr)

Resources Available for Producers Affected by Central Nebraska Wildfires

March 1, 2024
Central Nebraska producers seeking help with wildfire recovery are encouraged to attend to an informational meeting on March 12 in North Platte.

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N Field logo

This Week on N Field: Insurance Update for Farm Operations

June 8, 2023
With the arrival of severe weather season, N Field Observations highlights the importance of reviewing and updating insurance policies for your ag operation.

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Cattle in pasture
Registration is due by June 16 for all the workshops, which will cover the application process and eligibility requirements for USDA insurance programs and explain how they can be used to mitigate price risk. (Center for Ag Profitability photo)

Workshops to Cover Managing Forage and Cattle Price Risk with USDA Programs

June 8, 2023
Specific insurance programs that will be covered during the workshops are Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage (PRF), Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) and Annual Forage insurance (AF).

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Hail damaged crops
Hail-damaged corn field in Nebraska. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Storm Damage Recovery, Options for Crop Producers to be Covered in June 16 Webinar

June 10, 2022
Experts in agronomy and agricultural economics from Nebraska Extension's Hail Know team will cover options for dealing with damaged commodities from a production perspective and discuss the role of crop insurance.

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Photo by Jay Parsons

Insurance for Annual Forages Sign-up Deadline is July 15

June 6, 2022
Nebraska producers who are considering planting annual forages on cropland this year can mitigate risk by utilizing USDA's Annual Forage Insurance Plan.

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Semi trailer on highway

Driver Liability for Farm and Ranch Operations

January 7, 2021
In a recent Farm and Ranch Management article, Nebraska Extension Educator Jessica Groskopf reviews several ways for producers to reduce their liability, from choosing insurance to creating an LLC.

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