
Pasture and Forage Minute: Saving Hay, Ag Land Leasing Workshops

November 30, 2022
Tips on reducing hay loss from the elements and during feeding, and information on December's ag land leasing workshops for producers seeking more in-depth farm and ranch leasing guidance.

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Pasture and Forage Minute: Monitoring Hay Quality and Pests, Early Cornstalk Harvest

September 21, 2022
Extension educators cover the variables involved in testing hay quality and what pests may sneak in with your imported hay — plus, why harvesting some corn a little early might be a good strategy for grazing this year.

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Corn silage

Pasture and Forage Minute: Storage Considerations for Corn Silage and Hay

August 17, 2022
Nebraska Extension educators share recommendations on harvesting and storing drought-stressed corn for silage, and the most efficient ways to minimize hay bale weather loss.

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Corn silage
For high quality silage, inoculants alongside proper harvesting and storage can reduce the risk of spoilage and maintain its condition.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Considerations for Inoculants, Thinning and Heat-stressed Alfalfa

August 11, 2022
Extension recommendations on using inoculants to preserve corn silage quality, the best grasses to interseed in alfalfa and timing for cutting alfalfa hay in heat-stressed conditions.

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To put up good quality hay from summer annual grasses like sorghum-sudan hybrids, remember this motto: "Cut it early, cut it high. Crimp the stems and they will dry." (CropWatch file photo)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Options for Wet Hay Meadow, Harvesting Summer Annual Forages

July 20, 2022
Nebraska Extension educators share tips and techniques for addressing wet hay meadows and summer annual forages at harvest time, plus info on this year's Nebraska Grazing Conference.

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Thunderstorm over pasture

Pasture and Forage Minute: Rain and Hail Damage, Preventing Window Disease

June 20, 2022
Extension insights on reducing rain damage to hay, assessing hail damage to forage crops, and preventing window disease in alfalfa. 

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Hay bales on trailer

Carbon Sources for Composting HPAI Mortalities

April 21, 2022
Nebraska Extension is calling on businesses and residents to donate or sell wood chips, hay, lawn waste and other carbon sources to livestock producers hit hard by Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI).

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Cattle eating hay

Pasture and Forage Minute: Inventorying Forage Supply

February 1, 2022
With increasingly dry conditions in Nebraska, now is a good time to take stock of remaining hay and forages to make timely adjustments on your winter feed strategy.

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