
Droughty soybeans
Grazing and ensiling may be the easiest ways for growers to handle drought-stressed soybeans this year.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Salvaging Drought-stressed Soybeans as Forages, Grasshopper Control

August 30, 2022
Nebraska Extension educators review forage considerations for growers faced with droughty soybeans, tips on measuring stands and assessing alfalfa field health, and thresholds where grasshopper control may be warranted.

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Grasshopper in pasture
With grasshopper populations flourishing in dry conditions statewide, the reduced agent/area treatment can be an effective control technique for pastures and rangeland.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Harvesting Drought-stressed Corn and Milo, Controlling Grasshoppers

August 2, 2022
Considerations for harvesting drought-stressed corn or milo, grasshopper control in pastures and rangeland, and taking inventory of fall/winter feed and hay.

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With conditions remaining dry this summer, if the grasshopper population in an established field is higher than five hoppers per square yard throughout the field or 15 hoppers per square yard in field margins, insecticides should be considered.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Grasshopper Control, Safe Grazing Guidelines And Blue-green Algae Poisoning

July 13, 2022
Tips for effective control of grasshoppers in alfalfa, prussic acid poisoning from summer annual forages and blue-green algae in livestock water.

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Continued Good News for Grasshopper Risk on Rangeland

February 10, 2022
Based on fall adult surveys conducted by USDA-APHIS, the risk of grasshopper infestation in Nebraska rangelands will be low in 2022, with slightly higher risk in southwestern Nebraska.

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Adult differential grasshopper

Pasture and Forage Minute: Grazing in the Dog Days of Summer, Grasshopper Tips and Silage Storage Strategies

July 28, 2021
Extension educators discuss management strategies for heat stressed forage plants and grasshoppers in alfalfa, and getting prepped for corn silage harvest this fall.

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Grasshopper feeding signs

Grasshoppers Return ― It’s Time to Scout Field Borders

June 27, 2023
If the grasshopper species currently invading field borders are one of the four major species that are likely to infest cropland, control may be warranted if high numbers are present.

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Red-legged grasshopper nymph and adult
Red-legged grasshopper nymph and adult

Controlling Grasshoppers in Winter Wheat in the Fall

August 29, 2018
Grasshopper populations may decline in late summer, but remain significant enough to cause serious damage to emerging wheat. Monitor densities in field borders before and after planting.

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Differential grasshopper
Figure 1. The differential grasshopper, one of four grasshopper species in Nebraska that feed on crops. The others are the twostriped, redlegged, and migratory grasshoppers.

Grasshopper Control Most Effective Early Season

June 12, 2018
Heavy populations of immature grasshoppers were found in field borders in south central Nebraska corn fields this week. Scout and if numbers warrant, treat now when they're small and concentrated in borders. See story for identification tips, treatment thresholds, and control recommendations.

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