Pasture and Forage Minute: Selecting Summer Forages, Thistle Control Options
May 9, 2024
Insights on pasture rental rates, selecting summer forage based on needs for your operation, and control options for noxious weed thistles in pastures.
Pasture and Forage Minute: Understanding Fall Dormancy in Alfalfa, Planning Summer Grazing
February 27, 2024
Extension educators share growth impacts of fall dormancy in alfalfa and recommendations for building your spring and summer grazing and forage plans.
Pasture and Forage Minute: Prussic Acid Following Freeze, Soybean Residue for Forage
October 12, 2023
Learn more about avoiding prussic acid poisoning in sorghum following a freeze, and why producers should always supplement when feeding soybean residue.
Warm-season Species for Soil Health and Forage Purposes
July 27, 2023
Taking advantage of summer heat and abundant sunlight, warm-season cover crops can accumulate impressive amounts of biomass, cover bare ground quickly, suppress weeds, reduce erosion and improve soil health.
Annual Forage Options After Hail
July 14, 2023
Before planting forages in fields where your crop was destroyed by hail, take a moment to review these financial management and cropping system considerations.
Annual Forage Options for July or August Planting
July 13, 2023
UNL Beef provides information on forage species selection and key management considerations based on desired use.
Pasture and Forage Minute: Managing Alfalfa Windows, Grazing Summer Annual Forages and Water Quality
July 10, 2023
Management strategies for curing alfalfa windrows in adverse weather conditions, grazing sudangrass and sorghum-sudan hybrids safely, and water quality issues for livestock on pasture.
Pasture and Forage Minute: Late Summer Planting and Regrowth Concerns
August 5, 2021
This week, extension educators review some of the concerns with late summer alfalfa planting, toxicity levels in sorghum and sudangrass regrowth, and how leaving hay bales in the fields can affect your yields.