USDA FSA programs are available to help farmers and ranchers impacted by floods and other natural disasters.

Tax Consequences of Weather-Related Sales

May 31, 2019
How do tax laws apply to crop and livestock losses due to flooding and should they be applied this year? Consider the effects for 2019, 2020 and afterward from using some of these options.

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Part of a row of corn struggling to survive
These plants, in a Clay County corn field, are in deep water and deep trouble! The bright vibrant greens of typical V2 to V3 seedlings are replaced with sickly yellows, indicating plummeting chlorophyll readings and photosynthesis. Roots of these oxygen-starved plants are no longer growing and are likely dying. The soil to which they are anchored has changed dramatically and full plant recovery is likely not possible. (Photos by Roger Elmore)

Corn Establishment and Growth in Saturated Soils: A Brief Review of New Research

May 31, 2019
How long can seedling corn survive under flooded conditions? A review of current scientific literature offers new understandings of when and how plant injury occurs and what factors affect it.

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Figure 1. The degree of damage from standing water in this field will depend on several factors and likely will lead to direct yield losses or indirect losses from increased disease pressure.
Figure 1. The degree of damage from standing water in this field will depend on several factors and likely will lead to direct yield losses or indirect losses from increased disease pressure.

Response of Germinating and Early Season Soybeans to Flooding

May 30, 2019
Injury to germinating and seedling soybean from flooding depends on several factors, including soybean growth stage, flood duration, and air and soil temperature and varies the varieties. Pythium and Phytophthora are two diseases to scout for after flooding.

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Options for Removing Sand Deposited by Floods

May 10, 2019
Once waters receded after the March 2019 floods, many Nebraskans found sand and sediment deposited on their fields and properties. The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality offers several options for sand removal, one of which requires US Army Corps approval.

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Seeding in person's hand
When estimating whether severely injured plants will survive, check the growing point. Healthy growing point is yellow/white and firm as is shown in this picture. Unhealthy growing point is discolored and soft to the touch. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Replanting Corn: Things To Do and Think About

May 24, 2024
Recent flooding events beginning May 20-21, 2024 in portions of the state have some concerned about the need to replant corn when waters recede. It’s important to assess potential recovery before making replant decisions.

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Updates on Federal Programs to Aid Flood Recovery

May 3, 2019
Funds were made available or application deadlines were extended for three USDA NRCS flood recovery programs.

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Sand-covered pasture near Ravenna
Spring flooding left deposits of sand and silt on many acres of river-frontage property, such as this pasture near Ravenna. A May 13 workshop will look at treatments and practices to recover these acres for production.

Workshop: Recovering River Frontage Ag Land

May 2, 2019
After spring flooding, many river frontage pastures and crop fields were left with sand and silt deposits ranging from a few inches to up to three feet. Recovering that land for production will be the focus of a May 13 on-site workshop near Ravenna.

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Photo of a farmer in contemplation in a field

New Wellness Resources for Farm and Ranch Families

April 26, 2019
Agriculture is a stressful occupation and while it provides numerous rewards, it does not come without challenges. These tips and resources can help you and your family better understand the effects of stress on your health and manage them.

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