Farm Safety

Burned combine
Due to Nebraska's intense drought conditions, which increase the risk for combine fires, Nebraska Extension urges producers to take every precaution available to harvest safely this year.

Preventing and Responding to Combine Fires

September 29, 2023
As crop residue starts the majority of combine fires, it's vital to clean equipment every day after harvesting, allow it to cool off before storing inside a machine shed, and avoid harvesting when conditions are at peak fire risk.

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Children in tractor
For safety training, Nebraska teens will have two locations to choose from — North Platte and Grand Island — and six locations where they can take the final tractor driving test to receive certification. See testing sites and registration information below.

Tractor Safety Days Scheduled for Nebraska Teens this Summer

April 14, 2022
Two training locations and six testing locations will be available to Nebraska teens seeking tractor and equipment safety certification.

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Teens participating in a tractor safety course

UNMC, Nebraska Extension Offer Tractor Safety Course to Teens

February 5, 2020
The most common cause of agricultural-related death in Nebraska is overturned tractors and all-terrain vehicles (ATVs). Employing anyone uncertified under age 16 is a liability risk for farmers if those children operate such equipment.

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Stanton volunteer firefighters respond to a combine fire in 2016.

Practicing Fire Safety at Harvest

October 8, 2019
Stay safe from harvest equipment and field fires by maintaining equipment before you start, cleaning out embedded residue as you go, and making preparations to respond should a fire occur.

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Table of Heat Index Levels

Beat the Heat, Prevent Exhaustion and Stroke

June 12, 2019
Knowing the signs of heat-related illness can be a lifesaver for those who work long hours outdoors. Learn to recognize the symptoms of heat stress and heat stroke and how to respond. Apps for your phone and computer can help identify the local heat index.

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Two youth practicing proper connection procedures for a tractor PTO drive. Links to full article 'Tractor Safety Training Courses for Teen Farm/Ranch Workers'

Tractor Safety Training Courses for Teen Farm/Ranch Workers

February 12, 2019
Nebraska Extension’s Tractor Safety and Hazardous Occupations Courses will be offered at 12 sites this year for teens 14-15 years of age who want to work on a farm other than their family's. The training is required by law.

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Midwest Rural Ag Safety and Health Conference Nov. 27-29

November 1, 2018
"Stressing Resilience" will be the focus when farm safety advocates gather for the Midwest Rural Agricultural Safety and Health Conference Nov. 27-29 in Council Bluffs.

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Grain bins

Webinars Target How You Can Prevent Grain Engulfment

April 5, 2018
In 5 seconds, you can become engulfed by flowing grain. In 60 seconds, you can become submerged. Next week take a lunch hour (or three) to learn how you and those you work with can stay safe when working in enclosed spaces and with stored grain. The webinar series is being offered by ag safety organizations as part of Stand Up for Engulfment Prevention Week April 9-13.

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