Farm Management

Map of Nebraska real estate values
Figure 1. Average value of Nebraska farmland on Feb. 1, 2017 and percent change from one year earlier. (Source: 2017 Nebraska Farm Real Estate Report)

2017 Farm Real Estate Report Details Price Decline

June 30, 2017
The 2017 Nebraska Farm Real Estate Report released today estimates total value of agricultural land and buildings in Nebraska fell to approximately $127.7 billion, down $5.6 billion from 2016. In the all-land category the state ag real estate average value was $2,820 per acre or about 9% less than the prior year’s value.

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Scale of justice
Scale of justice

Kansas Federal Jury Awards $218 Million in Syngenta Litigation

June 29, 2017

On June 23 a federal jury awarded $218 million in damages to 7300 Kansas farmers for lost revenue from China rejecting corn shipments containing unapproved Syngenta varieties.

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Register Now for July Farm Finance and Ag Law Clinics

June 21, 2017

Openings are available for one-on-one, confidential farm finance and ag law consultations being conducted across the state each month. An experienced ag law attorney and ag financial counselor will be available to address farm and ranch issues related to financial planning, estate and transition planning, farm loan programs, debtor/creditor law, water rights, and other relevant matters.

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Illustration for Quicken tags

Quicken Tags for Your Farm or Ranch

May 23, 2017
Learning how to use tags in Quicken can help you quickly capture various types of transactions and generate a picture of spending and income for categories important to your decision-making needs.

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Event graphic

June Workshops: Beginning Farmer Tax Credit, Loan Programs

May 15, 2017
The Nebraska Beginning Farmer and Rancher Network will be hosting two programs in June on the Farm Service Agency Disaster and Loan Programs, as well as use of limited liability entities and the Nebraska Beginning Farmer Tax Credit.

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Farm Finance Averages Show Some Light, Despite Concerning Ag Debt

May 3, 2017
Nebraska Farm Business, Inc. recently completed its financial averages for 2016. These averages represent producers across the state who participate in this financial analysis program. Nebraska Farm Business Inc. provides producers with a comprehensive analysis of the financial health of their business, including their accrual basis net farm income (the true earnings of the business), an earned net worth change, cost of production, 21 financial ratios, and more. Each year the data collected from these farms’ records is averaged to provide participants with information to benchmark their operations. Taking a closer look at these averages also indicates shifting trends across these farms and ranches.

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Image illustrating home record keeping

5 Things to Improve your Quicken Record Keeping

May 3, 2017
Looking for ways to trim or customize your farm financial records in Quicken? Here are five steps to improve your financial record keeping experience for 2017.

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fertilizer applicator in the field
Figure 1. Fertilizer is one of a farmer's largest inputs and also the one that often varies the most in price from year to year. (Photo by Bob Klein)

Fertilizer Price Changes from 1994-2017

April 25, 2017
Fertilizer, one of the major costs in crop production, changes more in price each year than many other input costs. This articles addresses how farmers can reduce their fertilizer costs by selecting the most economical source for the fertilizer they need.

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