Crop Residue

Baled soybean residue in a field
Figure 1. Baled soybean residue (Photo by Todd Whitney)

What is the Value of Soybean Residue?

December 13, 2018
This Q&A addresses questions about baling soybean residue, including its nutrient value and comparison with other sources, economic value, and what should be considered when deciding whether to bale soybean residue.

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Corn field with baled residue
Learn more about your options for using crop residue as well as when it's better not to disburb it on this month's Nebraska CropWatch podcast, a new feature. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

CropWatch Launches a Podcast: Removing Corn Residue

December 6, 2018
In the inaugural CropWatch podcast Extension Educator Michael Sindelar interviews Marty Schmer and Virginia Jin, USDA ARS researchers, about uses for corn residue, recommended removal practices, and when residue removal is not recommended.

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Cattle grazing corn stalks
Cattle grazing corn stalks

The Crop Residue Exchange Links Growers and Grazers

October 10, 2018
The Crop Residue Exchange is an interactive online tool to help crop and cattle producers connect and develop mutually beneficial agreements to use crop residue for grazing. A new feature allows producers to also list forage cover crops for grazing.

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Chart of residue required for different slopes

Crop Residue and High-Carbon Char: Potential Soil Conservation Tools

May 8, 2018

Soil is the single most important resource on which our agriculture depends. Proper soil management is necessary to sustain long-term agricultural productivity. Soil loss through erosion or run-off hurts agricultural production with depletion of organic matter and fertility. It also has environmental implications.

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Taking CO2 measurements in plots where residue has been baled
Taking CO2 measurements in plots where residue has been baled

Corn Residue Removal and CO2 Emissions

February 26, 2018
University research looking at CO2 emissions from two types of residue removal (baling and grazing) compared with a control treatment found little day-to-day impact; however, when looking at cumulative data for the whole year, grazing did appear to affect cumulative CO2 emissions in irrigated crop-livestock systems. This data represents the first year of this study.

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Amelioration Strategies after Corn Residue Removal

December 7, 2017
The authors review three research studies on how amelioration practices such as adding cover crops and/or manure may offset any effects of removing crop residue.

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Figure 1. Corn stalk residue with downed ears, baled and ready to use. (Photo by Jenny Rees)
Figure 1. Corn stalk residue with downed ears baled and ready to use. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Corn Stover Removal: Nutrient Value of Stover and Impacts on Soil Properties

December 7, 2017
Corn residue has a number of uses and thus its value as well as its impact on other systems may need to be estimated when evaluating post-harvest options. This article looks at how to estimate the nutrient value of the residue and potential impacts to the soil from removing the residue, based on Nebraska research.

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Perceptions of Crop Consultants and Crop Producers on Grazing Corn Residue in Nebraska

October 19, 2017
A new journal article by University of Nebraska-Lincoln researchers reports on the results of a survey asking consultants and growers about what factors influence their thinking on grazing crop residue. The report notes that while corn residue grazing is a longstanding practice in the state, currently only about 25% of the state's corn residue is being grazed.

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