Crop Damage

Hail damaged corn
Corn with hail damage from a July 9, 2021 storm, 10 miles west of Hemingford.

Revenue Protection Crop Insurance and Prices Rising from Spring to Fall

July 28, 2021
This UNL Agricultural Economics article reviews how revenue protection crop insurance works when prices rise from the spring to the fall.

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early season damaged soybeans showing regrowth

Resources for Early-season Crop Damage

June 12, 2020
With crop damage occurring in the forms of hail, wind and flooding early in this growing season, the following are resources that can help you in making decisions.

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new buds on alfalfa affected by freeze injury

Freeze Damage to Alfalfa

April 15, 2020
April freeze nips alfalfa. Extent of damage varies based on numerous factors, but no management actions are recommended.

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Flooded field
Figure 1. Flooded crop fields in south-central Nebraska after heavy rains in 2019 caused growers to reexamine their options for fields already late planted or taken as prevented planting. (Photos by Sarah Sivits)

Crop Impacts and Options After Mid-season Flooding

July 2, 2024
After heavy summer rains have led to flooding in Nebraska, many farmers are facing concerns about how long crops can survive in standing water and implications for the remainder of the growing season.

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Bacterial stalk rot in corn

Diseases to Watch for in Flooded Crops

July 11, 2019
Producers, consultants, and agronomists should be alert to the potential for increased disease pressure in fields that experienced flooding in March or more recently. Here are some of the diseases you're most likely to see.

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Strategies for delayed soybean planting

Strategies with Delayed Soybean Planting

May 24, 2024
Adjusting soybean planting practices (row spacing, seeding rate and the use of custom planting) and relative maturity of the variety can help maximize yield potential when planting after mid-June.

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Corn seeds germinating in soil
If you're unsure what corn hybrids will mature before average killing frost in your region of Nebraska, use the U2U GDD tool to compare scenarios of hybrids and planting dates for your location.

Corn Hybrid Maturities and Late Planting

May 24, 2024
Still planting corn and wanting to change to a different hybrid maturity? Here are some things to consider and a tool that can help you assess which hybrid options are likely to mature before an average fall freeze date for your location.

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Part of a row of corn struggling to survive
These plants, in a Clay County corn field, are in deep water and deep trouble! The bright vibrant greens of typical V2 to V3 seedlings are replaced with sickly yellows, indicating plummeting chlorophyll readings and photosynthesis. Roots of these oxygen-starved plants are no longer growing and are likely dying. The soil to which they are anchored has changed dramatically and full plant recovery is likely not possible. (Photos by Roger Elmore)

Corn Establishment and Growth in Saturated Soils: A Brief Review of New Research

May 31, 2019
How long can seedling corn survive under flooded conditions? A review of current scientific literature offers new understandings of when and how plant injury occurs and what factors affect it.

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