Corn Insects

Differential grasshopper

They're Back ... Time to Scout Field Borders for Grasshoppers

June 22, 2017
Populations of immature grasshoppers have been reported in areas bordering crop fields. If you're seeing one of the four species that harm cropland noted here, control may be warranted. Treatment is most effective when grasshoppers are small and still contained in field borders.

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Wheat stem maggot fly

Adult Emergence of Suspected Wheat Stem Maggot from Infested Corn Plants

June 22, 2017
University researchers are studying why suspected wheat stem sawflies are being found again this year in Nebraska corn, previously thought to be a non-host. Major yield loss is not expected in corn from this pest.

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Western bean cutworm eggs and larva

Using Degree-Day Models to Predict Western Bean Cutworm Flights

June 15, 2017
Learn how degree-days are calculated and used to predict insect development and specifically, what they indicate for the timing of western bean cutworm development in Nebraska this year.

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Scouting and Managing Stalk Borer in Corn

May 24, 2017
Common stalk borer eggs have hatched throughout Nebraska and scouting should begin when 1300-1400 degree days (DD) have accumulated. Current accumulations range from 500 to 1200 DD.

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Scout Emerging Corn for Early Season Insects

May 11, 2017
As corn begins to emerge, be alert to the potential for damage from early season insects such as cutworms, wireworms, or white grubs. Wireworms and white grubs are most often associated with fields that have been in pasture or CRP where the grasses were allowed to grow for more than one year. It is rare to see these problems in continuous corn, but exceptions happen. Since wireworms and white grubs feed underground and cutworms feed on or below the soil surface, scout for plant damage and then dig in soil around the plant to identify the insect causing the damage.

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western bean cutworm in corn
Figure 1. (left) Western bean cutworm causing feeding damage in corn. (Photo by Jim Kalisch and Silvana Paula-Moraes) (right) A green lacewing beneficial insect eating western bean cutworm eggs. (Photo by Julie Peterson)

Which Bt Traits Do You Need to Purchase?

March 24, 2017
When it comes to buying corn seed, one way to save money can be to ensure that you don't invest in GMO insect protection traits that you do not need for your particular farm or field. Which corn rootworm, western bean cutworm, or European corn borer traits do you need? This article can help you determine which of the nine types of Bt proteins might best serve your needs.

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