Cereal Rye

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New Introductory Cover Crop Guides Cater to Nebraska

November 8, 2019
Two new guides from the Midwest Cover Crops Council and Nebraska Extension offer key "how to" information for growers interested in integrating cover crops into their traditional corn-soybean rotation.

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Podcast: A Row Crop Farmer's Perspective on Cover Crops and Cattle Grazing

September 27, 2018
Chad Dane, a farmer from Clay County, Nebraska, discusses his experience using cover crops in a corn-soybean rotation on this week's UNL BeefWatch podcast.

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Cereal rye cover crop
Figure 1. No-till cereal rye cover crop planted on October 21, 2016 after corn harvest in North Platte. Cereal rye was drilled at 60 lb per acre on 7.5-inch row spacing. Photo taken April 10, 2017.

Terminating a Cereal Rye Cover Crop – Things to Consider

April 13, 2017
Fall-planted cereal rye is increasingly used as a cover crop in corn and soybean cropping systems in Nebraska. The authors address control of cereal rye through herbicide and mechanical measures and include a USDA NRCS map of recommended termination deadlines.

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