Cattle Feed

Alfalfa exiting machinery during harvest
Properly timing the final alfalfa harvest using growing degree days (GDD) helps ensure winterization and prevent winterkill, allowing stands to thrive in the next growing season.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Timing Last Alfalfa Harvest with GDD, Sampling Hay

September 17, 2024
Insights on using growing degree days for alfalfa harvest to ensure winterization before dormancy, managing nitrate levels in annuals for foraging livestock, and sampling hay for a comprehensive quality test.

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Pile of harvested corn for silage
Certain silage inoculants can significantly improve the aerobic stability of silage by reducing spoilage when it's re-exposed to air, making them especially useful for large silage piles or bunkers that are difficult to keep fresh.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Recommendations for Storing Quality Silage

August 14, 2024
Extension educators highlight the importance of using the right inoculants and storage methods for corn silage to improve fermentation, reduce spoilage and maintain feed quality.

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Hay bale sits in field
Nebraska hay stocks are substantially higher than last year, and coupled with low demand, there's currently downward pressure on forage prices. (Photo by Chabella Guzman)

Staying Current on Forage Prices

June 18, 2024
There are several resources that Nebraska producers can use to stay up to date on current hay prices. Use these sites to stay informed throughout the forage production season.

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Haybales in field
Bales of hay are stored for winter along the fence line. (Photo by Chabella Guzman)

Drought Plans Should be Updated, as Weather Predictions Could Impact Forage

June 7, 2024
With significantly lower hay prices and concerns about reduced forage production this summer, producers should consider securing a portion of the expected needed hay supplies for next fall and winter now.

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Silage pit on farm covered with tires
Once silage is exposed to oxygen, its quality can decrease quickly. For best results, don’t expose more than three days’ worth of a pile at a time.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Retaining Silage Quality During Feedout, Grasshopper Management

May 21, 2024
Tips on retaining silage condition during feedout, planning the optimal time for grass hay harvest, and controlling grasshopper in rangeland and forages.

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Hereford cow and calf in field eating hay
A cow's energy requirements increase about 30% and protein needs nearly double after calving. Because of this, it's important to use your best quality forages with any needed supplements to provide adequate nutrition.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Considerations for Feed After Calving, Adding Legumes to Pastures

February 12, 2024
Tips on meeting nutrient requirements of cows after calving season and improving pasture production by frost seeding or interseeding legumes.

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Closeup of man preparing tax forms
IRS Section 180 allows landowners to treat the residual fertility present in the soil at the time of purchase as a deductible cost. Though the deduction should be filed during the year of land purchase, landowners may be able to file an amended tax return for a previous tax year. It’s important to consult your CPA or tax advisor to understand your options and file accordingly.

Pasture and Forage Minute: A Closer Look at Section 180, Forage Inventory Season

February 6, 2024
With recent land purchases, many Nebraska producers are seeking to better understand IRS Section 180 tax deductions. This article provides a review of the tax code and its potential financial implications for landowners of newly acquired land.

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Cattle eating hay during winter
Properly testing hay and adjusting mineral and livestock diets during the winter are important steps in minimizing the risk of issues like tetany and nitrate poisoning.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Considerations for Pasture Leases and Winter Hay Nutrition

January 30, 2024
Extension educators review factors that affect the success of pasture grazing leases, and how to avoid toxicity and malnutrition through livestock feed during the winter.

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