Bacterial Leaf Streak

Bacterial leaf streak on corn

Bacterial Leaf Streak of Corn in Nebraska

June 27, 2019
Bacterial leaf streak of corn is increasing as Nebraska. When scouting, growers should take time to differentiate it from gray leaf spot as fungicides will not work on bacterial leaf streak but will help control gray leaf spot.

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Map showing the 70 counties where bacterial leaf streak has how been confirmred.
Bacterial leaf streak has now been confirmed in corn in 70 Nebraska counties.

Crop Disease Update

August 10, 2018
Plant pathologists report on the corn and soybean diseases they're seeing. Bacterial leaf streak has now been confirmed in 70 counties and Southern rust was confirmed in three more counties.

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Bacterial leaf streak and Goss's wilt
Figure 1. (left) Corn leaves with bacterial leaf streak may appear to have a yellow halo around lesions. (right) Recent wet conditions and wounding from hail or storms favor development of Goss's wilt, shown here. (Photos by Tamra Jackson-Ziems)

Conditions Right for Development of Corn Diseases

June 7, 2018
Severe weather and wet conditions across much of Nebraska this week may favor increased development of diseases in corn, particularly bacterial leaf streak and Goss’s bacterial wilt and blight. For assistance in correctly identifying diseases, submit samples to the Plant & Pest Diagnostic Clinic.

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Bacterial leaf streak in corn
Figure 1. Bacterial leaf streak symptoms on corn are interveinal streaks that may appear tan, brown, or especially yellow when backlit by the sun.

Bacterial Leaf Streak of Corn

August 25, 2017
Bacterial leaf streak was just confirmed in Nebraska in 2016, the first incidence in the US, but has now spread to 56 counties and is found in eight other states.Learn about factors contributing to its development and "host" plants, as well as management options.

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Southern rust pustules on a corn leaf

Corn Disease Update: Southern Rust Increasing; Diplodia New to Nebraska

July 27, 2017
Warm, wet conditions across Nebraska the past two weeks created optimal conditions for crop diseases. This update looks at identification and management of three diseases in corn: southern rust, which is expanding in the state, bacterial leaf streak, and diplodia, which is new to Nebraska.

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Bacterial leaf streak lesions
Bacterial leaf streak lesions may vary in color and length, but will be between veins and often have wavy margins. (UNL Photos)

Detection and Characterization of the Causal Agent for Bacterial Leaf Streak in Corn

July 7, 2017
When a new crop disease strikes, researchers dig in to identify its characteristics. Noting how it's similar to and different from other diseases are part of defining it so plant pathologists can better confirm its presence in the field, monitor its spread, and develop appropriate management practices. Here's the story of how plant pathologists identified bacterial leaf streak.

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Bacterial leaf streak lesions of corn

Bacterial Leaf Streak Confirmed on V4 Corn in Nebraska

June 15, 2017
Bacterial leaf streak disease has been confirmed on a sample submitted to the UNL Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic from Adams County. The corn was at the V4 growth stage and represents the earliest that the disease has been confirmed in a field.

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Sampling of bacterial leaf streak lesions of corn
Figures 2-4. Bacterial leaf streak lesions may vary in color and length, but will be between veins and often have wavy margins.

Update on Bacterial Leaf Streak of Corn in Nebraska

February 23, 2017
Bacterial leaf streak was first confirmed in the US in August 2016 when it was identified in Nebraska corn. It has now been confirmed in 51 Nebraska counties and found in corn fields across the Midwest. This article offers information on current status, identification, and management of the disease. Resistance is not currently available in hybrids and standard management measures of bacterial diseases will help mitigate but not eliminate damage.

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