Alfalfa Weevil

Alfalfa weevil larvae and adults
Figure 1. Alfalfa weevil larvae and adults collected in a single 12-sweep sample in Goshen County, Wyoming by Dan Keener on May 11, 2018. Note that both large larvae and adults are present.

Scout Diligently for Alfalfa Weevils in May And June

May 16, 2018
High populations of alfalfa weevils have been found in alfalfa throughout the Nebraska Panhandle; lower populations were reported this week in central and eastern Nebraska. The economics would warrant continued scouting through June to provide for timely treatment, if necessary, and yield protection.

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Insects Causing Problems for Alfalfa

June 22, 2017
If you’re seeing slow regrowth or weak alfalfa seedlings, it's time to get in the field and scout for the cause, most likely insects at this time of year. Nebraska growers have been reporting all kinds of insects causing problems.

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alfalfa weevils

Scouting Advised for Alfalfa and Clover Leaf Weevils

April 20, 2017
Alfalfa weevils have been reported damaging alfalfa in north central Kansas and western Nebraska. As temperatures warm up, expect to see alfalfa weevil larvae in southern Nebraska and slightly later, in northern Nebraska. Even with the pressure of planting row crops, it is essential that producers growing high quality alfalfa hay make time to monitor fields for weevils now and over the next few weeks. See the article for a table of treatment thresholds for various alfalfa prices.

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