Agricultural Education

Colfax County #2 team listens to educator in field
Colfax County #2 team members participate in a discussion during the 2023 Regional Youth Crop Scouting Competition. After winning first place in the state competition, the team placed second in regionals.

Future Agronomists at Work

September 29, 2023
All Nebraska youth who participated in the 2023 Regional Youth Crop Scouting Competition earned accolades for exhibiting their knowledge and skills in nine separate crop scouting exercises throughout the contest. 

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AgroHort seminar series banner for Sept. 15

Agronomy and Horticulture Seminar Series Kicks Off for Fall 2023

September 14, 2023
The fall seminar series features a new lineup of experts presenting research and insights from fertigation techniques and pest management to the latest advances in plant genetics.

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Aaron Hird gestures to soil and water samples
Aaron Hird, USDA NRCS state soil health specialist, demonstrates the outcome of different soil health practices with a rainfall simulation to Nebraska Soil Health School attendees at UNL’s Haskell Ag Lab on Aug. 2.

Nebraska Soil Health School: A Success Story of Collaboration and Learning

September 12, 2023
During its inaugural year, the Nebraska Soil Health School educated more than 200 producers and ag industry stakeholders on the latest research and practices for healthy soils to increase crop productivity.

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Wheat variety test samples
Plant scientists Fatiha Bentata of Morocco and Intissar Zarrouk of Tunisia screened these wheat samples for resistance to root rot caused by the Fusarium fungus as part of greenhouse research at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln last fall. The scientists, visiting the university through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Scientific Exchanges Program, analyzed 13 wheat varieties grown in Nebraska for disease resistance. At left are non-inoculated control plants. At right is a soil mix inoculated with isolates of the Fusarium fungus. (Photo courtesy IANR Media)

Morocco Collaboration to Boost Wheat Research, Grad Study Opportunities

July 13, 2023
UNL researchers involved in a new international collaboration with Morocco hope to boost wheat disease research and strengthen prevention strategies against fungus-enabled wheat diseases.

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Soy2023 ad

Nebraska to Host Cellular and Molecular Biology of the Soybean Conference

July 13, 2023
Industry experts from organizations across the U.S. are set to present their research insights on advancements in soybean genetics during the Aug. 10-13 conference.

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Aerial corn field
Anyone who has an interest in plant breeding and wants to extend his/her knowledge in hybrid breeding is welcome to attend the Aug. 9-10 program on University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s East Campus.

Hybrid Breeding: The Essentials – Workshop and Field Day

July 6, 2023
Hosted in the UNL maize breeding nursery, the workshop will give participants an introductory overview of the structure and complexity of a comprehensive hybrid breeding program.

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Organic corn field

UNL Extension Partners with USDA Organic Transition Program

June 29, 2023
UNL faculty members are currently developing a new online ag course, producer guide and website to help Nebraskans who want to transition to organic production.

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SCAL weed management day
Nebraska Extension Weed Management Specialist Amit Jhala (at far left) will once again lead dscussion on weed management practices in Nebraska during this year's Weed Management Field Day, which is free and open to the public.

Nebraska Extension Weed Management Field Day June 28 at South Central Agricultural Laboratory

April 27, 2023
The free field day will include on-site demos of new technology and new herbicides for corn, soybean, popcorn and sorghum, as well as herbicide-resistant weed control options with various herbicide programs.

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