Al Dutcher - Former Associate Nebraska State Climatologist

Al Dutcher

Expect a Stormy Turn with Halloween

October 24, 2018
Expect a couple periods of light rain the last week of October, then stormy and possibly snowy conditions following Halloween.

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Quote from the author, Al Dutcher: 'As fall progresses, most of the Corn Belt will likely deal with periods of heavy rainfall, interspersed with warm dry weather.'

El Nino Conditions Forecast for Fall-Winter

September 20, 2018
Climatologist Al Dutcher says there are initial signals of a developing El Nino event for this fall and winter, possibly leading to drier conditions in northwest Nebraska.

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Nebraska map showing departure from normal precipitation

A Recap of Weather and Its Effects on the 2018 Crop Season

September 20, 2018
Weather data and trends from April through August are reported here and help explain what you're seeing from the cab this fall.

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US map indicating departure from normal temperatures for July 2018.

July Recap and August Forecasts for Temperatures and Rain

August 3, 2018
July's above normal temperatures are quickening corn maturity. Forecasts for August and early September see limited potential for precipitation.

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Map of vegetative health index in the Corn Belt  for July 8, 2018

Temperature/GDD Trend Indicates Early Corn Maturity

July 9, 2018
A cool start to the crop season followed by two months of above normal temperatures appears to be pushing Nebraska's corn crop to an earlier than normal maturity.

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US map showing departures from normal temperatures in May

If Patterns Continue, Drought Areas Likely to Expand in Nebraska

June 1, 2018
Based on current conditions and short and longer term forecasts, drought conditions appear to be building in Nebraska, says Associate State Climatologist Al Dutcher.

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NOAA US precipitation forecast for April 11-18

Spring Still Elusive as Cold then Rains to Quickly Follow Warm-up

April 11, 2018
With the first half of April as much as 20 degrees below normal temperatures, growers are wondering when a long-term warm-up is in sight. See what climatologist Al Dutcher forecasts for the second half of April in this week's story.

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Figures 1 and 2. Comparison of the February (left) and March 15 precipitation outlooks for June-August 2018. A indicates above normal chances, N indicates normal changes, B indicates below normal chances and EC indicates equal chances for precipitation percentages provided in the key. (Source: NOAA Climate Prediction Center)
Figures 1 and 2. Comparison of the February 15 (left) and March 15 precipitation outlooks for June-August 2018, showing Nebraska is no longer in a large area of below-normal precipitation. A indicates above normal chances, N indicates normal changes, B indicates below normal chances and EC indicates equal chances for precipitation percentages provided in the key. (Source: NOAA Climate Prediction Center)

Weather Outlooks Shift Slightly as Spring Begins

March 23, 2018

The Climate Prediction Center’s March 15 outlook continues to favor dry conditions for the Southern Plains. Its summer precipitation outlook, however, has changed and is shifting the highest probabilities for below normal moisture south (Figures 1 and 2).

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