Jenny Rees - Extension Educator

Jenny Rees

2345 Nebraska Ave York NE 68467-1104

Twitter: @jenreesources
Blog: JenReesources Extension Blog

Baled soybean residue in a field
Figure 1. Baled soybean residue (Photo by Todd Whitney)

What is the Value of Soybean Residue?

December 13, 2018
This Q&A addresses questions about baling soybean residue, including its nutrient value and comparison with other sources, economic value, and what should be considered when deciding whether to bale soybean residue.

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Map indicating end-of-season deviations from average corn yields for select sites in the Corn Belt
Map indicating end-of-season deviations from average corn yields for select sites in the Corn Belt

Oct. 16 Corn Yield Forecast - End of Season Report

October 19, 2018
The end-of-season corn yield report finds that high temperatures during vegetative stages had little impact on forecasted yield potential. This is the final article in the series looking at simulated crop stages and yield forecasts for 41 locations across the US Corn Belt.

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Corn going down in the field
Figure 1. Rapid corn drydown in corn and increased stalk and ear rots from recent rains could create harvest challenges similar to those faced by growers in 2017. Growers are urged to scout their fields now to determine which should be harvested first to avoid losses. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Assess Corn Now to Avoid Harvest Complications

September 28, 2018
With an unusually warm August and rainy September, corn growers are urged to monitor their fields and prioritize harvest to avoid some of the challenges and losses faced in 2017.

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Corn kernels sprouting on the ear
Figure 1. When corn kernels start sprouting on the ear, it's likely due to an imbalance of plant hormones.

Why are Corn Kernels Germinating on the Ear?

September 12, 2018
What makes corn kernels start sprouting on the ear and what are the implications for harvest and storage? Growers in south central Nebraska are seeing the damage as they scout.

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Large round bales of corn residue in the field
Demonstrations of equipment used for baling corn residue will be daily at this year's Husker Harvest Days near Grand Island. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Corn Residue Baling Workshop to be held at Husker Harvest Days

August 28, 2018
View daily demonstrations of corn residue baling equipment and get answers to your questions about its use at this year's Husker Harvest Days.

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Hailed corn
Figure 1. Severely hail-damaged corn field where the ears are the top-most part of the plant. Following severe hail damage, cover crops can offer a variety of benefits from using available nitrogen to aiding weed control. (Photos by Jenny Rees)

Cover Crop Considerations Following Late-season Hail Storms

August 24, 2018
Cover crops offer a number of benefits in fields sustaining late-season hail damage, but should be planted soon to provide sufficient time for growth. A guide covers various cover crops and their use, seeding rates, and seeding method.

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Map of the Corn Belt showing sites with above-, near-, and below-normal forecasted corn yields for 2018.

Aug. 22 Corn Yield Forecast: Shorter Crop Cycle Did Not Lead to Below-Average Yield

August 23, 2018
Corn progress and yield forecasts for 41 sites across the Corn Belt indicate near- or above-average yields for most sites. High temperatures early in the season increased the rate of corn development and led to a shorter crop cycle, but do not appear to have diminished yields.

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Chart of Nebraska corn yields trends from 1971 to 1917.

Soybean and Corn Yield and Acreage Trends

August 15, 2018
Nebraska soybean and corn yields have steadily increased from 1971 to 2017 in both irrigated and rainfed production systems. Nebraska irrigated soybean increased at a linear linear rate of 0.68 bu/ac, and irrigated corn increased at a rate of 2.17 bu/ac.

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