Jenny Rees - Extension Educator

Jenny Rees

2345 Nebraska Ave York NE 68467-1104

Twitter: @jenreesources
Blog: JenReesources Extension Blog

Corn plots 7-9-18
Corn plots at the South Central Agricultural Laboratory near Clay Center on July 9, 2018. (Photo by Roger Elmore)

2018 Corn Yield Forecasts as of July 11: Higher Temperature Led To Faster Corn Development

July 13, 2018
Corn yield forecasts and crop growth stage estimates for the US Corn Belt, based on crop modeling and local input, start up this week for 2018. Corn development is well ahead of normal, with most sites in the central and southern fringes of the Corn Belt in the silking or grain-filling stages.

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Yield forecast locations

2018 Corn Yield Forecasts: Approach and Interpretation of Results

June 29, 2018
Here's how the Yield Forecasting Center will be developing corn yield forecasts for 41 locations across the Corn Belt during the 2018 crop season. Modeling, using Hybrid-Maize, weather data, and on-site verification help researchers estimate yields so growers can adjust management during the season, if necessary.

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Hail damaged corn
Corn around V10-11 with leaves stripped due to hail damage. In this case, much of the corn will recover and look better in 10-14 days. Watch stalk bruising to see if stalk rot sets in. There are fields with hail damage at lower stalks with weakened plants that easily break. Soybeans at R1 (beginning flowering) reduced to sticks north of Stromsburg and in Hordville area. Soybeans with damage like this at the R1 stage can have the greatest yield loss in spite of seeing new buds regrowing with the warm weather. Another concern will be weed control going forward. (Photos by Jenny Rees)

Mid-Season Hail Damage Assessments in Corn and Soybeans

June 25, 2021
When severe storms and hail hit your corn and soybean fields, it's important to estimate yield losses to determine the need for future inputs and alternative management strategies. This guide offers steps to evaluate mid-season hail damage and estimate potential yield losses.

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Volunteer corn in soybean
Figure 1. Several herbicide options are available for managing volunteer corn in soybean. Management in corn will be more challenging. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Control of Volunteer Corn in Soybean and Corn

June 1, 2018
Volunteer corn is a competitive weed in the corn/soybean cropping system and if not controlled, may result in a yield penalty and contribute to survival of gray leaf spot and western corn rootworm. Consider these options for managing volunteer corn in soybean and corn.

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Clump of volunteer corn in corn
Figure 1. Corn losses last fall are leading to widespread volunteer corn in crop fields this season. If not controlled, they could lead to yield reductions. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Impacts of Volunteer Corn on Crop Yields

June 1, 2018
University research conducted in several Midwest states indicates the impact of volunteer corn on corn, soybean, dry bean, and sugarbeet yields.

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Palmer amaranth
Figure 1. Palmer amaranth curling within a week of spraying a postemergence dicamba product to corn. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Considerations for Postemergence Dicamba-based Herbicide Applications to Corn

May 31, 2018
With postemergence herbicide applications occurring to corn, consider these best management practices to improve results and reduce the potential for off-target injury from your dicamba application.

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Take Time to Set Up Nebraska Ag Water Management Equipment

May 23, 2018
As you finish planting, consider installing ETgages and soil moisture sensors before crop roots interfere. Then join the hundreds of farmers contributing their data each week to the Nebraska Agricultural Water Management Network, a valuable tool for managing your crop.

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Corn plant damaged by wind May 10.
Figure 1. Corn plant with first leaf completely damaged, second leaf partially damaged, and tip of third leaf – the part exposed to the wind – partially damaged. Photo taken in eastern Clay County, May 15. Corn damaged by dust storm on May 10.

Assessing Effects of Recent Dust Storm on Emerged Corn

May 17, 2018
This week several corn fields in south central Nebraska were surveyed to assess damage and longer term effects on stands after last week's high winds and resulting dust storms. While many plants were seriously injured, many would be expected to recover.

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