Jenny Rees - Extension Educator

Jenny Rees

2345 Nebraska Ave York NE 68467-1104

Twitter: @jenreesources
Blog: JenReesources Extension Blog

Windrowing forage wheat in south central Nebraska for processing into wheatlage. (Photos by Todd Whitney)
Figure 1. Cutting and windrowing forage wheat in south central Nebraska for processing into wheatlage. (Photos by Todd Whitney)

Wheat Forage Options and Considerations

May 17, 2018
This spring many Nebraska livestock producers facing low forage supplies may be looking for new sources, such as from wheat. This Nebraska research on harvest timing suggests how to optimize feed value from wheat forage.

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graph of nitrogen supply

Is Soybean Yield Limited by Nitrogen Supply?

January 8, 2018
An article from the Proceedings of the 2018 Nebraska Extension Crop Production Clinics exploring research on whether nitrogen supply is limiting soybean yield.

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Field of winter wheat
Figure 1. Field of winter wheat seeded at the recommended time. (Photo by Bob Klein, taken April 12, 2018)

Winter Wheat Progress Across the State

April 26, 2018
Winter wheat in the Nebraska Panhandle continues to be rated above average with most of the wheat rated good to excellent. Winter wheat in the west central, south central, and eastern areas is more varied, as described in this wheat progress and condition report.

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Soybean fields in planting date study at UNL's East Campus
Planting date studies conducted on UNL's East Campus showed yield decreases of 1/4 bu/ac (2003) and 5/8 bu/ac (2004) for each day after May 1 that soybean were planted.

Amplifying Positive Impacts of Early Soybean Planting

April 19, 2018
The benefits of planting soybean near May 1 are well documented. Now, what are the next steps growers can take to further expand on these benefits? Are different maturity groups warranted? What groups are typically being used in irrigated and rainfed environments in Nebraska?

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Figure 1. Planting into cold soil (below 50°F) when cold conditions are expected for the next 48 hours can lead to germination problems and seedlings not emerging or not emerging well. 1a. Corn seedling that started leafing out below ground and now has twisted leaves which will delay or negate normal plant development.. Figures 1b-c. Unemerged seedlings attempting to leaf out belowground. None of the seedlings shown should be counted as a productive plant.
Figure 1. Planting into cold soil (below 50°F) when cold conditions are expected for the next 48 hours can lead to germination problems and seedlings not emerging or not emerging well. 1a. Corn seedling that started leafing out below ground and now has twisted leaves which will delay or negate normal plant development.. Figures 1b-c. Unemerged seedlings attempting to leaf out belowground. None of the seedlings shown should be counted as a productive plant.

Cold Soil Temperature and Corn Planting Windows

April 12, 2018
With stormy conditions back in the picture, many growers may be concerned about planting corn into cold, wet soils? By checking weather forecasts and soil temperature at planting (in the field and online) and the cold tolerance of seed, growers can identify 48-hour windows of opportunity for planting.

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Soil moisture sensor only partially installed due to dry ground

Determining Beginning Soil Moisture for Planning Decisions

April 12, 2018
Soil moisture sensors installed now can provide valuable information for dryland producers who want to determine existing soil moisture level and adjust cropping or planting plans accordingly. The authors installed and will be monitoring soil moisture readings at six sites in south central Nebraska.

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Graph of yields from soybean population study

What On-Farm Research has Taught Us about Soybean Seeding Rates

April 6, 2018
More than a decade of on-farm research studies in Nebraska show how soybean seeding rates (and the related input costs) can be reduced without significantly affecting yield. See what growers learned and consider whether a change might benefit your bottom line.

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A row of corn

On-Farm Research Results: Impact of Torque on Corn Yield

March 7, 2018
This report synthesizes the results of seven on-farm research studies of using Torque™, a seed or furrow-applied growth promoter, in Nebraska between 2010 and 2015.

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