Jenny Rees - Extension Educator

Jenny Rees

2345 Nebraska Ave York NE 68467-1104

Twitter: @jenreesources
Blog: JenReesources Extension Blog

A March 14 noon-hour webinar will explore the issue of wheat stem maggot damaging corn planted directly into rye or wheat cover crops.
A March 14 webinar will explore the problem of wheat stem maggot damaging corn planted directly into rye or wheat cover crops.

March 14 Webinar on Wheat Stem Maggot in Cover Crops

March 2, 2018
A noon-hour webinar on March 14 will explore the issue of wheat stem maggot damage in corn planted directly into wheat or rye cover crops in 2017. Learn more about what happened and how to plan for 2018.

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Maximum daily temperature and humdity recorded at Harvard in June 2017
Maximum daily temperature and humdity recorded at Harvard in June 2017

Potential Off-Target Dicamba Movement from Corn Applications

February 15, 2018
While the new soybean dicamba herbicides were often blamed for injury to sensitive plants in 2017, a deeper look at the timing of injury and the weather conditions at those times suggests dicamba applications in corn may have contributed to plant injury in many areas. Increased management for all dicamba applications will be needed in 2018.

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An eastern Nebraska field with dicamba injury.
This eastern Nebraska soybean field was injured by off-target dicamba movement to a sensitive crop. Applying best management practices to all dicamba applications can help reduce the likelihood of similar whole-field damage in 2018.

Can We Manage Dicamba Applications in 2018?

February 15, 2018
Factors leading to dicamba injury and how growers will need to practice best management practices with all dicamba applications in 2018 to help reduce injury to susceptible crops and other plants. This article discusses key practices to implement.

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Sprayer hose test

Removing Dicamba Residues from Your Sprayer: A Tricky Task

February 15, 2018
Thoroughly cleaning your sprayer both before and after applying dicamba is required and can help reduce the potential for off-target damage. Check these recommended practices and see what research at Mississippi State University found when testing sprayer hoses.

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Economics of Annual and Perennial Forages Webinar Feb. 13

February 4, 2018
With current corn prices and the limited availability of perennial grass, some producers are asking themselves if growing forages on cropland might be the answer to feeding the cow herd. A webinar to address these questions in addition to showing economic examples will be held Tuesday evening, February 13, from 6:00-7:30 p.m. CST.

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Graph showing level of damage compared with date of dicamba application

Results of 2017 Survey on Nebraska Soybean Farmers’ Adoption of Xtend Technology and Off-Target Dicamba Movement

December 14, 2017
In summer 2017, 312 Nebraska farmers from 60 counties responded to a survey on their perception on dicamba use in Xtend soybeans. The survey asked about outcomes of applying dicamba in Xtend soybeans and perceived injury in non-Xtend soybeans.

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Figure 1. Based corn stalk residue.
Figure 1. Where moisture is not limited, research shows that removing some corn residue from a field may benefit yield in the following crop. However, if residue is removed for more than three years, research showed longer term impacts to the soil.

Crop Residue Removal: Impacts on Yield

December 8, 2017
A review of multiple research studies indicates that where moisture is not limited, residue removal can result in no yield reduction to yield increases for the subsequent crop. However, long-term residue removal has been shown to affect other production factors and it's recommended that even in minimal erosion areas, removing residue does impact other production factors and it's recommended that 2.4 tons/acre of residue be left in the field.

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Amelioration Strategies after Corn Residue Removal

December 7, 2017
The authors review three research studies on how amelioration practices such as adding cover crops and/or manure may offset any effects of removing crop residue.

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