Jenny Rees - Extension Educator

Jenny Rees

2345 Nebraska Ave York NE 68467-1104

Twitter: @jenreesources
Blog: JenReesources Extension Blog

Farmer Jerry Mulliken of Nickerson

Increase Profitability with On-Farm Research

March 16, 2017
Jerry Mulliken discusses what he's learned from conducting more than 30 research studies on his farm near Nickerson, Nebraska. On-farm research provides meaningful information specific to a farm's soils, farming practices, and local conditions, allowing growers to make management decisions with confidence. Learn more from a farmer's perspective in this article and video.

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Nebraska Extension on Strengthening Nebraska's Agricultural Economy

February 3, 2017

According to the Nebraska Department of Agriculture, one in four jobs in Nebraska is related to agriculture.  This signifies the importance of agriculture to Nebraska’s overall economy.

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Impact of Cover Crops on Corn and Soybean Yield in Nebraska On-Farm Research

November 29, 2016
A review of studies in the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network on the impacts of cover crops on subsequent corn and soybean yields at various locations in Nebraska.

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Figure 1. Before turning cattle into your fields check grazing restrictions on the labels of any herbicides applied.
Figure 1. Before turning cattle into your fields check grazing restrictions on the labels of any herbicides applied.

Forage, Feed, and Grazing Restrictions for Row Crop Herbicides

November 1, 2016

As the end of corn harvest nears, some producers will soon be turning their cattle into corn stalks or cover crops to graze. Before taking this step, take time to review the labels from in-season and fall-applied herbicides for any grazing restrictions.

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Harvest 2016 — When Corn Yields are Below Expectations

October 14, 2016
A review of 2016 growing conditions across Nebraska sheds light on a number of factors that may have contributed to reduced yield in individual fields. An understanding of these factors may be helpful when selecting seed for 2017.

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Aspergillus ear rot damage in corn
Aspergillus ear rot damage in corn

Ear and Stalk Rot Diseases Becoming More Common in Corn Fields

October 13, 2016
Ear rot diseases have been observed and stalk rot diseases are becoming increasingly common. It’s important to scout for stalk rot diseases now to determine which fields are at greatest risk of lodging and should be harvested first. Although it is unknown if ear rot diseases are widespread, it’s also important to scout for ear rot diseases to know how to better handle affected grain at harvest to prevent or minimize impacts on grain quality.

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Map showing sites of Nebraska soybean fields in study of yield-limiting production factors
Map showing sites of Nebraska soybean fields in study of yield-limiting production factors

Help Us Identify Yield-Limiting Factors in Nebraska Soybean Fields

October 5, 2016
Nebraska soybean producers are being asked to answer a survey about their soybean fields and contribute to a benchmark study of current soybean production in Nebraska. Researchers from 10 north central states, including Nebraska, are collecting the data to identify factors that may be impeding growers from reaching full yield. See what they've learned in the first two years of the study and how they hope to use the information.

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Figure 1. Variation in kernel setting in corn in Iowa. (Photo by Mark Licht)
Figure 1. Variation in kernel setting in corn in Iowa. (Photo by Mark Licht)

Yield Forecast Center Predicts Corn Yields Well Below USDA-NASS Projections

September 22, 2016
End-of-season yield forecasts for irrigated and dryland corn across eight states in the Corn Belt indicate above average yields for 2016, but not the record-breaking yields predicted by USDA in their September forecast. While two states are forecast to have yields below the 10-year average (-1% to -4%), the remaining states showed above average yields ranging from 1% to 21% above the 10-year average.

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