Jenny Rees - Extension Educator

Jenny Rees

2345 Nebraska Ave York NE 68467-1104

Twitter: @jenreesources
Blog: JenReesources Extension Blog

Chart of Nebraska & US corn yield trends (1971-2016)

Soybean and Corn Yield and Acreage Trends through 2016

May 25, 2017
Nebraska soybean and corn yields steadily increased from 1971 to 2016, in both irrigated and rainfed production fields. Charts based on USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service numbers track these changes.

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Palmer amaranth
Figure 1. This female Palmer amaranth plant can produce up to 0.5 million seeds.

Watch for Palmer Amaranth in Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Fields

May 12, 2017
Palmer amaranth has not been confirmed in conservation plantings in Nebraska; however, the identification and occurrence of Palmer amaranth in CRP fields in Iowa has raised concerns among weed scientists and growers about its spread into conservation plantings in Nebraska and offer some suggestions for growers.

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Wheat field April 27, 2017
Figure 1. A section of a wheat field showing lush green growth at the Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center (ARDC) near Mead on April 27.

Stripe Rust Confirmed in Wheat in South Central and Southeast Nebraska; Other Diseases Increasing

April 28, 2017

Wheat fields are still looking green (Figure 1).  However, development of several diseases is increasing. On April 26, stripe rust was confirmed in Nuckolls County in south central Nebraska and on April 27, it was found at low to moderate levels in research plots at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Havelock Research Farm near Lincoln in Lancaster County (Figure 2).

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Meat thermometer measuring soil temperature

Corn, Soybean Planting Considerations for this Week’s Cold Snap

April 24, 2017
With nighttime lows predicted to drop several nights this week, growers are advised to cautiously assess the potential for germination problems due to imbibitional chilling before planting. Agronomists advise checking soil temperatures in each field the day of planting as well as forecast temperatures for 24 hours (soybeans) or 48 hours (corn) after planting.

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Center pivot irrigated soybeans
Management in a successful soybean-after-soybean cropping system may require growers to make some slight adjustments in their practices, including irrigation, seed selection, and pest management.

Planting Soybean after Soybean (Part 2): In-Season Management Considerations

April 13, 2017

In Part 1 of this article, we look at considerations for planting soybean after soybean. In this article, Part 2, we share considerations for in-season management.

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soybean field

Planting Soybean after Soybean (Part 1): Planting Considerations

April 13, 2017
Farmers are increasing their soybean plantings for 2017, which likely means some are shifting to soybeans-after-soybeans. This article looks at what you should be considering at planting time as you consider changing your cropping sequence.

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Well nodulated soybean roots

Making Data-Driven Decisions on Soybean Inoculation

April 6, 2017
Farmers, agronomists, and researchers provide three steps to deciding whether to inoculate soybeans this spring.

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Field of soybeans

10 Years of Research Shows Benefit of Reducing Soybean Seeding Rates

March 30, 2017
A review of 10 years of soybean research shows that reducing your seeding rate from 150,000 to 120,000 seeds/acre can result in a $10.69/acre savings without affecting yield (assuming a $60/unit seed cost at 140,000 seeds/unit).

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