Jenny Rees - Extension Educator

Jenny Rees

2345 Nebraska Ave York NE 68467-1104

Twitter: @jenreesources
Blog: JenReesources Extension Blog

Comparison of node accrual between dicamba-injured soybean and non-injured soybean.

Dicamba’s Effect on Soybean Node Numbers

August 8, 2018
Do soybean continue to produce a new node every 3.7 days despite being injured by off-target dicamba exposure? That was the question examined in this on-farm study.

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Soybean research field

Field Case Study of Dicamba-Injured Soybeans using Forensic Analysis

August 8, 2018
A field of dicamba-injured soybeans is used as an example to demonstrate the forensic analysis method to determine when dicamba exposure occurred.

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Corn silage

Drought-stressed Corn: A Feed Opportunity

July 22, 2022
When harvesting drought-stressed corn to feed, there are several cautionary factors to consider as well as several options for feeding, baling, or grazing it.

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Dicamba injury in soybean
Dicamba injury in soybean

Soybean Production and Dicamba Use Survey

August 3, 2018
Growers, crop consultants, and other stakeholders are invited to take an online survey on new soybean production and weed management systems.

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Corn field
Rainfed corn near Grant, planted about May 27. (Photo by Alexander Tonon Rosa and Italo Kaye Pinho de Faria)

2018 Corn Yield Forecasts: Physiological Maturity Expected Before Historical Averages

August 2, 2018
Corn growth simulations across the Corn Belt indicate early corn maturity of one to two weeks for most sites. Simulated corn yields for rainfed and irrigated sites across the region near or above normal at most sites.

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Photos of two very different eastern Nebraska wheat fields
Figure 1. Photos of both of these eastern Nebraska wheat fields were taken June 16, 2018 and show the contrast between wheat grown in Thayer County (left) in southeast Nebraska where precipitation was much below normal and a field in Washington County in east central Nebraska where there was sufficient soil mosture throughout the season. (Photos by Brad Heinrichs (left) and Nathan Mueller)

Recap of 2017-18 Eastern Nebraska Winter Wheat Crop

July 25, 2018
Winter wheat yields in eastern Nebraska were quite variable in 2018, ranging from 10 to 80 bu/ac, depending on precipitation. This review of the growing season examines some of the factors affecting yields in southeast, east central, and northeast Nebraska.

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Soybean leaf cupping

Understanding Growth Regulator Herbicide Injury

July 19, 2018
There are now five structurally different growth regulator herbicides, each of which affects plant growth differently. Understanding the differences can help you better identify the cause when you find damage in your field.

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Chart showing rate of soybean node accrual

Are Your Soybean Plants Exhibiting Dicamba-Induced Leaf Injury?

July 19, 2018
Learn how to examine plant development and use this forensic strategy to determine the approximate calendar date when the plants in your field were likely exposed to dicamba.

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