Jenny Rees - Extension Educator

Jenny Rees

2345 Nebraska Ave York NE 68467-1104

Twitter: @jenreesources
Blog: JenReesources Extension Blog

Early planted wheat field in Nuckolls County; taken early May 2019

Eastern Nebraska Winter Wheat Update

May 3, 2019
Wheat in eastern Nebraska is behind normal growth stage, but has good yield potential. Weather in late May and early June, as wheat enters the critical grain fill stage, will likely dictate final yield.

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Research plot with no-till corn residue, with left half planted to cereal rye in November 2018

Considerations when Planting Soybean Early

April 25, 2019
If you're planning to get an early start on your soybean planting, be sure to check for recommended soil temperatures and the forecast for the coming 48 hours to ensure optimal conditions for achieving good emergence.

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Planter ready to enter the field.

Corn and Soybean Planting Considerations

April 24, 2019
Planting sets the stage for a successful crop with an even emergence and stand. Consider these tips to help ensure you're providing favorable planting condition via proper soil conditions, planting window, planting depth, and seeding rates.

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Graph of multiple Corn Belt studies looking at the optimum corn planting window

Windows of Opportunity for Corn Planting: Data from Across the Corn Belt

April 24, 2019
A survey of published research on corn planting dates in the central northern Corn Belt indicates there is a window from mid-April to mid-May when optimum yields can be achieved.

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Graph showing irrigated corn yield departure from Trend-Line Yields and Corn Planting Progress by April 29 for 1985-2018 (excluding 1993 data) in Nebraska. From USDA-NASS survey data.

Windows of Opportunity for Corn Planting: Nebraska Data

April 24, 2019
Does early planting of corn necessarily result in higher yields? An examination of Nebraska research and data from USDA NASS sheds light on the question, indicating that, up to mid-May, other factors may affect final yield more than planting date.

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Layout of data-intensive prescription research conducted in Saunders County
Layout of data-intensive prescription research conducted in Saunders County

Soybean Seeding Rates

April 18, 2019
Research from Nebraska farmers and Midwest universities suggests seeding rates for soybeans can often be decreased without affecting yield. These decreases could save growers $10 an acre in seed costs.

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Flood damaged grain bin

Grain Vacuum Services/Rentals/Suppliers

March 22, 2019
Key points for managing stored grain that may have been contaminated by flood waters and a list of businesses providing grain vacuuming services or equipment to safely remove clean, unaffected grain from the side or top of a bin.

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Graphic listing several questions in the FAQ story

2019 FAQ for RUP Dicamba Herbicides (FeXapan™, Engenia® and XtendiMax®)

January 30, 2019
"If I had RUP dicamba training in 2018, do I need training in 2019?" The answer to that question, which is "Yes," and other questions about training and new application requirements for the three RUP dicamba products are covered in this FAQ.

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