Jenny Rees - Extension Educator

Jenny Rees

2345 Nebraska Ave York NE 68467-1104

Twitter: @jenreesources
Blog: JenReesources Extension Blog

2020 FAQ for RUP Dicamba Herbicides (FeXapan™, Engenia®, XtendiMax® and Tavium®)

December 17, 2019
This Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) addresses grower questions on dicamba training, record keeping, and application for the 2020 crop season. Additional training is required for all applicators of restricted use dicamba products.

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Soybean pods at the R7 stage showing different levels of membrane attachment within the pod.

Taking Note of the Ending Reproductive Stages of Your Soybean Crop

August 27, 2020
The heat and drought in areas of the State are rapidly moving Nebraska’s 2020 soybean crop along. Growers have been asking how to determine late season growth stages for last irrigation of the season and for determining maturity.

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Photo of field comparison of soybean planting dates and maturities at different stages.

Projecting Dates for Ending Reproductive Stages of a Soybean Crop Using SoyWater

October 9, 2019
How did the 2019 growing season affect the date of R7 (PM) in soybean varieties differing in MG (1.1 to 4.1) and planting date in eastern Nebraska? Take a look at graphs showing seasonal vegetative (Vn) and reproductive (Rn) development versus calendar date and compare the data with field photos.

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Gibberella and fusarium stalk rots in corn

Stalk Quality Concerns Widespread in Areas of Nebraska

September 27, 2019
The effects of late planting and stressful growing conditions throughout much of the season are showing up now in poor stalk quality in corn. Growers are encouraged to scout fields and harvest those most at risk of lodging first. Here's why and what to look for.

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Map showing probability of deviation from normal yields for rainfed sits in Nebraska and Kansas

2019 Corn Yield Forecasts as of September 17

September 19, 2019
Forecasted end-of-season yields for rainfed corn across the Corn Belt indicate above-average yield at two-thirds of the sites, with yields well above historical averages in Nebraska, Kansas, and Missouri. See data for individual irrigated and rainfed sites.

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Hailed corn field
Figure 1. Severely hail-damaged corn field where the ears are the top-most part of the plant. Following severe hail damage, cover crops can offer a variety of benefits from using available nitrogen to aiding weed control. (Photos by Jenny Rees)

Cover Crop Considerations Following Late-Season Hail

August 29, 2019
Late-season hail has impacted fields across Nebraska. Growers may want to consider the value of cover crops for weed management, excess nitrogen uptake, and forage options.

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Map showing likelihood of yield deviation from the long-term average yield potential for irrigated corn sites in Nebraska and Kansas.

2019 Corn Yield Forecasts as of August 21

August 22, 2019
There is a high probability of near- or above-average yields at all but two of the 37 locations studied. Corn has reached dough stage at most locations, except for irrigated corn in western and north-central Nebraska, northern North Dakota and Minnesota, and the eastern fringe of the region (Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio).

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Suspected off-target dicamba injury to soybean. Cupped leaves are often indicative of dicamba injury. (Photos by Amit Jhala)
Figure 1. Suspected off-target dicamba injury to soybean. Cupped leaves are often indicative of dicamba injury. (Photos by Amit Jhala)

Dicamba Off-Target Injury Continues in 2019 in Nebraska

August 16, 2019
As the crop season progresses, questions about dicamba off-target injury in soybean, broadleaf crops, and trees are increasing in Nebraska. If you suspect off-target injury in one of your fields, here's a reminder of what to do.

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