Jenny Rees - Extension Educator

Jenny Rees

2345 Nebraska Ave York NE 68467-1104
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Blog: JenReesources Extension Blog

Location by county for soybean seeding rate studies
Figure 1. Location by county (shown by red fill) for soybean seeding rate studies through the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network from 1990 to 2019 based on the database. Counties with studies not currently in the database are noted by red lines and have been reported in CropWatch articles.

Soybean Seeding Rate On-Farm Research

April 16, 2020
The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network has shown that a seeding rate of 120,000 seeds per acre has performed well across counties, farms, and fields in Nebraska.

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treated soybean seeds
Photo courtesy of Kevin Kirby, SDSU, Nathan Mueller, UNL.

Safe Handling of Treated Seed

April 16, 2020
This year remember to be safe when handling treated seed and check the seed tag for specific handling and use directions.

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new buds on alfalfa affected by freeze injury

Freeze Damage to Alfalfa

April 15, 2020
April freeze nips alfalfa. Extent of damage varies based on numerous factors, but no management actions are recommended.

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soybeans in 2003 and 2004
Planting soybean early is critical to maximizing yield. This has been found through numerous University and on-farm research studies in Nebraska and surrounding states.

Understanding the Soybean Germination Process for Early Planted Soybean Decisions

April 9, 2020
Planting is anticipated to begin for many growers in Nebraska the next few weeks. Based on formal research reports showing increased yields, we have recommended early soybean planting beginning mid- to late- April.

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a tractor applying pesticide

PSEP: Online Certification Options

March 19, 2020
Nebraska Extension has canceled all in-person training, including chemigation and pesticide applicator training, starting March 16, 2020. The COVID-19 Information page on the PSEP website will serve as a hub for PSEP-related information during the interrupted training season.

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2020 FAQ for RUP Dicamba Herbicides (FeXapan™, Engenia®, XtendiMax® and Tavium®)

December 17, 2019
This Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) addresses grower questions on dicamba training, record keeping, and application for the 2020 crop season. Additional training is required for all applicators of restricted use dicamba products.

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Soybean pods at the R7 stage showing different levels of membrane attachment within the pod.

Taking Note of the Ending Reproductive Stages of Your Soybean Crop

August 27, 2020
The heat and drought in areas of the State are rapidly moving Nebraska’s 2020 soybean crop along. Growers have been asking how to determine late season growth stages for last irrigation of the season and for determining maturity.

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Photo of field comparison of soybean planting dates and maturities at different stages.

Projecting Dates for Ending Reproductive Stages of a Soybean Crop Using SoyWater

October 9, 2019
How did the 2019 growing season affect the date of R7 (PM) in soybean varieties differing in MG (1.1 to 4.1) and planting date in eastern Nebraska? Take a look at graphs showing seasonal vegetative (Vn) and reproductive (Rn) development versus calendar date and compare the data with field photos.

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