Jenny Rees - Extension Educator

Jenny Rees

2345 Nebraska Ave York NE 68467-1104

Twitter: @jenreesources
Blog: JenReesources Extension Blog

Broadleaf cover crop
When using a burndown herbicide to terminate broadleaf cover crops and weeds this spring, planting intervals often may negate the use of many 2,4-D products prior to Enlist E3® soybean planting. (Photos by Amit Jhala).

Which 2,4-D Product Should I Use as a Burndown Before Planting Enlist E3® Soybean?

April 22, 2022
A review of the best production options for growers who are preparing to terminate broadleaf cover crop species and winter annual broadleaf weeds using 2,4-D products.

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Soybean plant emerging

Tracking Soil and Air Temperatures — Soybean Planting Considerations

April 14, 2021
Results of ongoing Nebraska Extension field demonstrations to determine critical soil temperatures and trends for soybean germination and emergence, plus early soybean planting considerations. 

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Soybean imbibitional time research
Jim loading seed trays for the indoor soybean study (left) and trays in the 36°F cooler (right). (Photos by Jenny Rees)

Demonstrating Critical Imbibitional Time for Soybean

April 14, 2021
This Nebraska Extension indoor study offers a comprehensive analysis of the timing and duration of the critical imbibition water uptake phase for soybean, to assist growers in their decisions on planting dates this spring. 

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Cover crop plantings

Cover Crop Termination Tradeoffs

April 6, 2023
Termination timing of cereal covers can be tricky — while there may not be one "right answer," there are many factors you can consider to make the best decision for your operation. 

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Anhydrous application in field
Nebraska farmers working with the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network evaluated ability of nitrification inhibitors to protect N fertilizer, increase yield and profit.

Evaluation of Nitrification Inhibitors through the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network

April 7, 2021
This article summarizes the results of 10 on-farm research studies that evaluated similar inhibitor products. as part of the Precision Nitrogen Management on-farm research project.

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Crop planted in green cover crop
Figure 1. Corn planted into green rye terminated at planting.

Planting Green Questionnaire – Simple Analysis

February 18, 2021
New survey and sharing results from the 2020 survey of Midwestern agriculturalists when planting soybean and corn into green cover crops.

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Herz farm cover crop field

Effects and Economics of Grazing Cover Crops in a Three-Year Non-Irrigated Rotation

February 18, 2021
Nebraska Extension reveals findings from long-term crop and livestock system On-Farm Research study.

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2021 FAQ for Restricted Use Pesticide Dicamba Products (Engenia®, XtendiMax® and Tavium®)

February 1, 2021
Review use requirements for three newly registered dicamba products, including information on training, application time limits and new recordkeeping requirements for 2021. 

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