Jenny Rees - Extension Educator

Jenny Rees

2345 Nebraska Ave York NE 68467-1104

Twitter: @jenreesources
Blog: JenReesources Extension Blog

Tractor planting

Considerations for Planting into Dry Conditions

April 12, 2024
As planting is critical for everything else that happens during the growing season, the dry conditions have led to a variety of questions this spring regarding soil conditions, planting depth, irrigation and herbicides.

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Katy Moore mugshot

Meet Katy Moore, Nebraska CropWatch Editor

December 15, 2021
Getting to know CropWatch's editor, Katy Moore, and what it's like to work behind the scenes for one of Nebraska Extension's main sources of crop and pest news.

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Baled cornstalks
Cornstalk residue with downed ears baled and ready to use. (CropWatch file photo by Jenny Rees)

Valuing Cornstalk Bales

November 30, 2021
Baling corn residue might be a good option for additional roughage this year, but it's important to first calculate the value of cornstalk bales.

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Fall Armyworm

Fall Armyworms in Pastures, Alfalfa, Small Grains, Cover Crops, and Lawns

September 24, 2021
We continue to receive questions on management with the unprecedented number of fall armyworms experienced in Nebraska this fall. The following is a Q/A to address the specific questions we’ve received.

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2021 corn yield forecast for midwestern states

2021 Corn Yield Forecasts: End-of-season Forecasts Suggest Near to Below-average Yields for the Region

September 16, 2021
In line with our previous reports, our forecasted yield potential this season seems to be 10% below the historical average.

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Soybean pods
Figure 1. Soybean pods collected from stage R7 plants (one mature pod per plant) that were opened to determine if the pod wall interior membrane was still clinging tightly to the seeds (leftmost pod), or if it was beginning to detach from the seeds (second pod), or if the membrane was now permanently attached to the pod wall (third pod). After attaining physiological maturity, seeds undergo a dry-down period from about 60% moisture to about 13% moisture. Note that the Rx.x numbers used here are pod-based stages, not plant-based stages.

Understanding Ending Reproductive Stages in Soybean

August 27, 2021
The timing of the ending R stages in soybean is governed by planting date (PD) and varietal maturity group (MG), though the date of R7 can be hastened if water stress and high temperatures prevail in August — something we are seeing in portions of Nebraska this year.

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Corn yield forecast map

2021 Corn Yield Forecasts as of Aug. 25

August 25, 2021
In line with previous forecasts in mid-July and early August, there is no indication that this is going to be a record — and not even an above average — year for national corn yield.

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2021 corn yield potential map

2021 Corn Yield Forecasts as of Aug. 4

August 4, 2021
Below-average rainfall has increased the probability of low yield for rainfed sites in western and northern parts of the Corn Belt and central Iowa.

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