Kyle Broderick - Extension Educator and Coordinator of the UNL Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic

Loren Giesler

Work Plant Sciences Hall (PLSH) 448
Lincoln NE 68583-0722
Work 402-472-2559 On campus, dial 2-2559
Reporting districts

Disease Reports from the UNL Diagnostic Clinic

July 12, 2019
Phytophthora root and stem rot in soybeans and bacterial leaf streak and common rust in corn were among the most common diseases reported in the last two weeks by the UNL Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic.

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Illustration of injury symptoms in a field. It is one of several indicators used to diagnose whether injury is caused by a disease, chemical application, or agronomic practice. This field shows random, non-uniform distribution common with diseases.
Illustration of injury symptoms in a field. It is one of several indicators used to diagnose whether injury is caused by a disease, chemical application, or agronomic practice. This field shows random, non-uniform distribution common with diseases.

Using Symptom Distribution to Identify Problems and Guide Management

June 24, 2019
Many factors can cause the emergence issues growers have been seeing in some corn and soybean fields. One of the easiest ways to predict whether the emergence issues are due to a soilborne pathogen(s) or agronomic factors is to look at where symptoms appear in the field.

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Crop Diseases Confirmed by UNL Plant & Pest Diagnostic Clinic

June 14, 2019
Report of the diseases reported in samples submitted to the UNL Plant and Pest Diagnostic Lab from May 15 to June 14 for corn, soybean, and wheat.

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(L-R) Wheat leaves with stripe rust, leaf rust, and powdery mildew

It is Time to Start Scouting for Wheat Diseases

April 18, 2019
The wheat growing season in Nebraska has started and and regular scouting for early disease detection is recommended, and will be especially important this year due to the excessive moisture we've had.

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Goss's Wilt of corn

Nebraska Plant Pathology: A Culture of New Diseases

January 23, 2019
Though relatively small, UNL's Department of Plant Pathology has played a significant role in the discovery of many economically important plant diseases, including most recently, a new fungal pathogen causing Fusarium head blight of wheat. This article is from the 2019 Nebraska Crop Management Conference Proceedings.

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What’s New in Plant Pathology

January 9, 2019
This article, from the Proceedings of the 2019 Crop Production Clinics, addresses new and updated product labels for disease management, a report from the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic, changes in the Department of Plant Pathology, and the initial US finding of Fusarium boothii on wheat in Nebraska.

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Stalk rots in corn
Stalk rots in corn

Corn & Soybean Diseases Confirmed Sept. 13-28

September 28, 2018
Various corn stalk rots lead the list of corn and soybean diseases confirmed by the UNL Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic September 13 - 28. Diseases are listed by reporting district.

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Soybean leaf exhibiting sudden death syndrome

Diseases Confirmed in Corn, Soybean, and Sorghum Aug. 29 - Sept. 13

September 14, 2018
Sudden death syndrome, charcoal rot, and Anthracnose were among the soybean diseases confirmed by the UNL Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic in the last two weeks. In corn gray leaf spot, leaf spots, and crown and root rots led the list of confirmed diseases.

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