The following diseases were reported in samples submitted to the UNL Plant and Pest Diagnostic Lab from May 15 to June 14.
East District – Pythium damping off, Rhizoctonia damping off
Southeast District – Pythium damping off
Southwest District –Pythium damping off
East District –Pythium damping off
Southeast District – Pythium damping off
Southern District – Fusarium root rot, Pythium damping off
Southwest District – Pythium damping off
East District – Wheat streak mosaic virus, Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus, Bacterial leaf streak, leaf rust, Fusarium head blight, Stripe rust, Septoria leaf spot, Tan spot, Bipolaris leaf spot, Powdery mildew
Southeast District – Barley yellow dwarf, Wheat streak mosaic, Fusarium head blight
Southwest District – Wheat streak mosaic virus, Barley yellow dwarf, Fusarium head blight, Bacterial leaf streak
Find more information and photos about each of these diseases in the Crop Disease Management section of CropWatch for Wheat, Soybean, and Corn.
Visit the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic page in CropWatch for
- information on how to submit crop and pest samples,
- a sample submission form, and
- a fee schedule for diagnostic services.